F E A R .

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You saw it once again,
Sadness swarming up,
Caught me in their hands,
You saw it, right?
I almost broke down,
Tears began to throb in my throat,
But it stopped; it wouldn't let me fall,
Crying shows weakness you said
But so that means, I'm the weakest of all

You, my friend
Red eyes, your mind can't rest
Tied ropes around your wrist,
Can't even shake the feeling away,
You felt the knife on your skin;
And it drew you in,
Scary, isn't it?

You've seen the scars,
The way they built up from my wrist,
To the forearm, it's pointless
Four, five, six new ones,
It's a pity, isn't it?
We were once free and mindless,
Lost between the pain and the chaos

Can't sleep most of the time,
Happiness slowly fading away,
It's out of reach,
Please come back!
I don't want to be numb forever,
You told me one day I'll feel something,
But it's been more than months,
Am I still waiting?

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