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Dysphoria is eating me up.
Not liking who I see,
Clothes I wear don't sit right with me,
Guiding me out of my bubble,
You tell me you see me;
Seeing me as whatever I'd like to be,
Whether that's a boy,
Or a made up kind of fictional joy,
Your respect and care,
The gentle comfort,
Alongside constant reassurance,
Watching the things you do,
Feels like I don't deserve you,
Yet I know I do

Calling me handsome,
Your pretty boy,
Talking me down,
Softening your voice for me,
You make me feel so good,
By the mention of your thoughts,
The way you make my mind race,
My body heats up,
All of a sudden I can't speak,
You make me feel so incredibly weak

We try so hard.
Our main goal;
Providing what the other may need,
We notice each other's difficulties,
Helping the other when it gets too much,
Working out our imperfections,
Neither of us are perfect,
I really enjoy our dynamic,
Through ups and downs,
We've got each other's backs

You're soft and gentle,
Kind at the core and the center,
Some days a bit more irritable,
I'm moody and uptight,
Some days a bit less tense,
Curling up with a soft face,
You notice the differences,
Showering me with care,
That is your speciality,
And in return,
I'll always love you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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