Chapter 1: Just a few drinks

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A/N: A huge 'thank you' to rowanlivedalife for playing Sue in this story.

Well, Emily Dickinson created a name for herself not so long ago. It all started when she won a writing competition, where the prize was being published. After she published a few of her poetry books, labels started asking for her to write songs about their artists. One night, after a huge fight with one of them, Emily decided to go to a bar. It was her day off, but her boss still managed to screw it up by arranging a meeting with the artist in question. He was a rapper and she refused to write rap. Long story short, they forced her to, saying she has two days to come up with the song.

𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴. - Emily thought as she downed another shot, thinking about all the work she had to do. Then she looked around and saw a beautiful stranger - a brunette girl. She looked like it was her first time in this bar, she seemed a bit lost. And Emily was just about enough drunk to try her luck with her.

Sue was a singer, smaller but still a beautiful artist. She had tried her luck with writing her songs but they always turned out terrible. Today she had just gotten her first record deal. She was nervous but still excited about what was going on in her life. Happily out of her relationship, realizing and working out her sexuality. Everything was perfect. She was celebrating by going to the local bar. This seemed normal but it was a big step for herself after her breakup. She saw a nice brunette girl staring at her from across the bar.

For a few minutes Emily thought about what to do. Sure, it's been a while since she had sex, or since she'd last been with a girl for that matter, and she felt like she needed some inspiration in order to write. Writing songs about her ex girlfriend, who broke up with her 4 years ago, was going to become repetitive soon enough. And Emily needed a distraction. Could this girl be it? Emily stole another glance at the stranger. She was gorgeous in every possible way and she looked like she needed some company or at least like she wouldn't mind some. The poet sighed and downed another shot, then she decided she'd do the ultimate pick-up gesture. She caught the waitress's attention, having a request for her in mind.

"Bring that girl over there a nice cocktail and tell her it's my treat." - Emily almost whispered and the waitress nodded. Soon enough she approached the beautiful stranger and placed the glass on her table.

Sue smiled at the waitress and picked the glass up.
"I'm sorry but I didn't order a cocktail" she said confused. Sue looked towards the girl as the waitress told her it was she who sent it her way. Susan stood up and walked over to Emily sitting at her table setting the cocktail down
"So is this your way of flirting miss..." sue said waiting for the beautiful woman to finish with her name.

"Dickinson. Emily Dickinson." - Emily smiled softly at the stranger. "And what is your name, gorgeous?" - Emily raised a brow and looked at the girl suggestively. "A girl like you sure wears a beautiful name. No doubt." - with that Emily decided to shut up until the stranger replied, so she finished what was left in her glass. Little did she know, she was still smiling, but it looked like she couldn't help it.

"Susan, Susan Gilbert." - Sue smiled at the stranger called Emily and took a sip of her cocktail "but you can call me Sue" she said finally. Sue looked over Emily's face and the cute smile she had as she drank; her beautiful eyes made for the prettiest girl she had seen. She normally wasn't into girls but the way Emily looked at her made her question everything.

Emily was quick to continue to conversation.

"Nice to meet you, Sue. By the way. What do you do for a living?" - the brunette changed the topic, looking at this Sue girl with anticipation and interest. "Something tells me you don't have a regular job. You're too beautiful to work in an office in my opinion." - Emily noticed the bartender smile at that sentence. He knew all about the girl's hook-ups here, after all she used to come to this bar almost every day when she had the chance. The bartender has seen her with all kinds of girls and he knew Emily was a bit of a womanizer, even though she would never admit it.

But... Sue seemed different. She gave off a different vibe than the other girls, she sure was a catch. By the way she looked, you could tell she puts a lot of effort into looking hot. But not in a "I want everyone to look at me" kind of hot. No, there was something innocent and pure about this girl. And yet, something quite mysterious.

Sue shook her head smiling as she looked at her hands.
"Oh nothing too grand. I'm an aspiring artist of sorts." - Sue said smiling at Emily finally meeting her eyes again. "It's what someone like you would do for a living that confounds me. You seem like the type of woman to be a painter." Sue guessed tilting her head as she rests it on her hand, her elbow on the table keeping her steady. Sue smiled again her beautiful smile as she awaited to
hear the answer from the brunette.
Sue noticed the bartenders smile and felt a chill down her spine. She very much enjoyed this woman's company. To the point she knew it wasn't going to end with them saying goodbye and going their separate ways tonight.

"I wish I was a painter. I think they're lucky." - Emily took another sip off of her drink before continuing. "They get to draw their own inner worlds in a way people can understand and actually see. And I only get to write about mine." - was what the brunette added. She was trying to sound as poetic as possible, hoping that it would magically make Sue want her, although Emily was pretty much used to people falling in love with her words. "So yeah. I am a writer: more specifically, a poet. Sometimes I get to write songs for famous artists. But more often I write for... well, new artists and such." - Emily sensed she was getting nervous around this girl. She... wanted to know if she was straight or not, but she didn't know how to ask.

Sue bit her lip at her words almost not hearing them but feeling them. No wonder she was a poet, she thought as she again stole a look over her physique. Sue knew she was attracted to this girl but had no idea how to go about it.
"A writer. So you're good with your words. I mean I can tell you're good with your words Emily Dickinson." - Sue said as she became flustered feeling the gaze of the brunette in front of her. She drank some more of her cocktail finishing it off before meeting Emily's gaze again. "So tell me Emily Dickinson, what is it you were trying to tell me with this drink you sent me?" - she says gaining some confidence from the alcohol.

For a moment Emily thought about how to respond. How do you tell someone, who's obviously straight, that you like them, without creeping them out? Well, maybe there was a slight chance for Sue to be... at least a little gay. Right?

"I tried to tell you all the right things, Sue Gilbert." - not too shabby! And what's better than an unclear reply than a very, very clear gesture? That's what Emily thought, so she decided she'd place a hand on Sue's knee. She waited for her reaction.

Sue shifted in her seat a little bit. She wasn't uncomfortable. Not in the slightest. She wanted Emily. To a point that she's only ever wanted men. No. It was more than that, deeper than that.
"Well Emily, I wouldn't mind another drink. Maybe at your place." - she said, smirking softly as she awaited for Emily's response. She looked at Emily, her fair skin and beautiful smile. Her warm hand on Sue's knee becoming a comforting feeling to her.

Emily moved her hand a bit further from Sue's knee before replying, now resting it on her inner thigh. She just wanted to drive the girl mad, to tease her, trigger her and hopefully win her over.

"I was hoping that at my place we'd do more than just drink." - Emily commented with a nasty, kind of playful, smile. Her face got closer to Sue's and the poet just couldn't stop staring at the other girl's beautiful eyes. When only an inch divided their faces, Emily looked down at the girl's lips and then back at her eyes. She wanted to see whether Sue will make the first step. That would be a big turn-on for Emily.

Sue bit her lip staring into the girls eyes wanting Emily's lips on hers.
"Well maybe I'd enjoy that very much." - she said as her left hand held the back of Emily's head entangling itself in her brown hair. Sue couldn't wait for Emily to make the first move. She was driving her insane.
Sue leaned in slowly, closing the gap between their lips. She kissed Emily softly. Loving the feeling of Emily's soft lips on hers. She placed her other hand on top of Emily's on her thigh, keeping it there.

Emily decided to deepen the kiss, so she teased with her tongue on Sue's lower lip, begging to come in. The poet placed a hand on Sue's right cheek and a few soft, short-lasting kisses followed.

"You're a good kisser." - Emily commented with a wide smile in between kisses, and after that she continued them, dying to feel more of Sue's so... kissable lips. Yeah, there was no other way Emily could describe them, and the only thing she knew was that she wanted to kiss them for as long as she's alive. No one ever before has made her feel this way.

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