Chapter 17: Thanks, I guess?

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Emily had a hard time thinking of additional lyrics to the song, and also a hard time thinking about Sue. The singer was the only thing on Emily's mind. Even though that was supposed to inspire the poet, it was doing quite the opposite. She couldn't focus on her work; all she did was smoke on the porch and play songs by famous composers on the piano. Well, you guessed it: that didn't help at all with her writing process. All it did was making Emily miss Sue even more. Lavinia tried to talk to her sister about it a few times the same day they arrived at the villa, but gave up after a while when it became clear Emily didn't want to talk about it. She was rarely one to talk about her feelings and Vinnie was the only one she shared her most intimate thoughts with, but not this time.

It was now the second day that Emily and Sue hadn't heard from each other. It was hard for both of them: trying to act careless and above it all. Truth was, they missed each other, even though they wouldn't admit it. They didn't know about it of course, but sometimes they were in their mutual chat at the same time. Only if they knew, maybe one of them would finally break and send a message. It was a stupid mind game they had going on between them, but they were both too afraid of rejection at this point.

But the next day Emily found out a way to text Sue without it being obvious that she misses her. She was just going to send her the lyrics of the song when she makes them up and would watch out for Sue's reaction. Right now Emily was ready to open up to Lavinia and that's what they were talking about.

"If she says she likes the lyrics, that can mean she actually likes 𝘮𝘦." - Emily said as the two were having dinner in the villa.

"I thought you hated it when people were tendentious towards your art." - Lavinia replied, taking a bite out of a slice of bread.

"Yes, and I thought about it a lot. Now, come to think of it, it's not so bad."

"But... If a person likes your lyrics and poems just because they like 𝘺𝘰𝘶... Doesn't that mean they like them only because it's you who wrote them?" - Vinnie raised a brow.

"I don't care, Lavinia. I would feel good about the idea of Sue liking me because of my art, and the other way around. Both work for me." - Emily looked down at her plate.

"Okay, I got confused." - that sentence made Emily giggle. "Do you have the general idea of what you're going to write? I mean, the song?"

"Yes. It will be a song about missing someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings. Who is afraid to be with you at your worst, but you still want them to be there for you at your best. It'll be a song about loving someone no matter how little you mean to them. I'll put the questions I have towards Sue inside it, that way I'll take it all out of my system. Plus, I think she has many similar questions herself. Maybe when she finds out we feel the same way about things, we'll be able to actually talk about what's going on between us."

"This is just... genius. The song's idea is very original, as well as the way you've decided to deal with your love problems. I'm so proud of you, Emily." - the poet smiled genuinely at that.

"Thanks, sis."

"I mean... you used to be such a womanizer, spending every night with a different girl-"


"Not realizing how alone that makes you feel-"


"No, I mean, you were quite the lone-wolf, not letting anyone into your heart and now," - Emily looked at Vinnie with a warning sign written on her face, "now you've finally evolved from that. I really am proud."

"Thanks, I guess?" - Vinnie giggled and cut the meat in her plate, then took a bite.


And Sue on the other hand was out with two of her best friends. They were telling her all about their relationships. One of them, Grace, was already married and was expecting a baby. The other, Jessie, was also enjoying a happy and healthy relationship that recently had its five year anniversary. Sue felt bad for not having something as beautiful as her friends did in her own love life. So she just sat there and listened distractedly, paying half attention to her friends while her mind was somewhere else entirely. Sue didn't want to admit it, but she was thinking about Emily. She didn't plan on telling her girl friends that, since she didn't know how would they react to her being involved with a girl. But what was she going to say anyway? That she had sex with this girl twice and now she was heartbroken? Was she going to mention the fact that Emily was her songwriter? No. Because that would potentially turn her friends into loose ends. Not that Sue was concerned they might tell someone, but they could do that accidentally and she wasn't going to let that happen.

"Are you okay, Susie?" - Grace asked. God, did Sue really hate that nickname... Grace and Jessie were the only people she let call her that way. Sue sighed and looked down.

"Um... yes, I'm fine. I'm just having some problems with Past." - that's how she called Damien. After all he did to her, she felt like he didn't deserve to be called in any other way. Anyhow, what Sue said wasn't exactly a lie.

"Honey, that douchebag doesn't deserve half of your time. If he continues tormenting you, just send him over to me. I'll teach him a lesson." - Jessie said, making Sue smile. That girl was one of those people who would do anything for you. Sure, she had flaws, but they were much less than her good qualities. In fact both her friends were exactly what you need in a person and Sue wouldn't trade them for the world.

"Thanks, Jess, but there's no need for that. Something tells me he won't be a problem anymore." - Sue sighed and looked somewhere far in the distance.

"Well, I'm having a hard time believing he's the only thing on your plate. You barely said a word since we got in this café. What's going on, Susie?" - Grace said with a concerned voice.

"Um..." - in that moment, someone texted Sue. She turned her phone on to see Emily's name on her screen. It was a message about the song. "Excuse me, I should reply to that, it's my songwriter." - Sue opened the message and began reading the lyrics. The more she read, the more in love she was with the song...

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