CH 36

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"Alright guys. Have fun at school, and Ryan?" Geoff says pulling his brother aside.

"Yeah...?" Ryan mumbles, keeping his gazeset on the tile floor infront of him.

"Please, when you pick up your brothers after school, just-just..." Geoff firmly places a hand on his brother's shoulder, causeing the smaller boy to look up at him. "keep an eye on them."

Ryan lets out a small sigh, looking back at the floor. After a second he looks back up at his brother, "I-I know Geoff. I will. Promise." He smiles.

"Thank you." Geoff smiles, pulling his brother in for a hug. "Now have fun in class, and be careful."

"I will." I'll see you later Geoff."

"Okay, see ya."Geoff smiles sadly before quickly walking out the school doors.

Timeskip — After school

"No, I already told you! I can't come over! I sorry but thats the way it is!" Ryan yells to Monty, who had been asking him to stay at his house all day.

"Why not?!" Monty yells in return. Ryan simply sighs, before grabbing the boy's sleeve and pulling him to the side.

"Okay, you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not Adam, not other Adam, not even your parents. No one. Got it?"

"Wha-? Is it that bad? Dude I-"

"Promise! I wont tell you unless you promise!"

"Okay, Okay! I promise!" Monty says, holding his hands in the air in mock surrender.

Ryan sighs, finally releaseing his grip on his friend's sleeve. "Remember on Saturday at the park, I had to leave early?"


"My little brother, Ray, he-he uh," Ryan mumbles, looking at the ground. "he went missing."

"What?!" Monty says, staring at hisfriend in disbelief. "No way..."

"Yeah..." Ryan mumbles, avoiding eye contact.

"Dude, thats terrible! Im sorry. Its totally fine if you can't come over." Monty says, reassuring his best friend. The duo slowly begin walking down the hall, towards the younger kid's classrooms. "So why don't you want anyone to know?"

"Well..." Ryan sighs. "A lot of people already think Geoff shouldn't be taking care of us. If people found out that Ray's missing, we'd be taken away, and we'd be separated. We probably wouldn't see eachother again..."

"Oh man..." Monty mumbles, staring at the ground infront of them. "That really sucks... well if anything like that did happen, you guys could definatly stay with me."

"Thanks man." Ryan smiles.

"So... you still have to pick up your brothers?"

"Yeah, and I gotta be extra careful too."

"Of course..."  The two pause as they reach Michael's classroom. "Well dood, I gotta get going, my mom's waiting for me."

"Okay, see you later," Ryan smiles. Monty always knows how to cheer him up. With a warm smile and a gentle pat on the back, Monty walks away.


Here it is the long awaited update. sorry it took so long. wattpad kept glitching which kept me from updating. :(

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