Ch. 13

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Yay new cover!

Geoff's POV~~
I sit on the edge of my bed and stare at the small rectangle of card board in my hands

Marcus "Notch" Persson
Minecraft -CEO-
Cellular: 657-555-4689

I can't believe it's his card. The boys all love minecraft, they would be totally excited to meet him. I wonder if he would be cool with that. Maybe this summer we could go to Sweden and see him work on Minecraft? No, they'll be way too expensive. We could never afford that. Suddenly crying echoes through the house. I jump to my feet, letting the card fall to the floor and sprint out of my bedroom door, just as Jack runs out of his room, which is adjacent to mine. We nearly bump into each other as we both run to the noise. We emerge from the hallway and into the living room to see Ryan, Michael, and Ray standing over a wailing Gavin.
"What happened?!" Jack and I run over to them and Jack crouches down to check on Gavin. Ryan looks up at me.
"We were playing super heroes and Gavin was trying to defeat me and he climbed on the back of the chair and I told him to get down, but then the chair tipped over and he fell..."
"It's okay, don't worry, he's fine." Jack carefully touches Gavin's leg, making him cry even louder.
"Shit," Jack mumbled, "I think it's broken..."
"Fuck!" I went over and crashed down next to Gavin and place my hand on his foot and then the other on his shin. He screams and pulls his leg away.
"No, no, I'm sorry Gavvy it's alright, shhhhh" I gently pick him up, "everyone in the car."
~~~Time skip 10 min~~~
We walk into the ER with three kids walking closely behind us, and a crying child in my arms. I walk up to the receptionist and try to calm Gavin down a little.
"Aww, what happened sweetie?" She looks at Gavin then me.
"He was playing with his brothers and he fell, and I think he broke his leg."
"Aww. well don't worry a doctor will be with you any minute" she reaches under her desk and pulls out a lollipop. Gavin immediately stops crying and his eyes are glued to the sugary sphere in her hand.
"Here you go sweetie." she hands it to him and he wastes no time unwrapping it and shoving it into his mouth. "and if you're good for the doctor, he may give you a special treat. Okay?"
He nods and I spot a small box filled with stuffed animals and candy. I fill out a few forms and luckily the doctor asks for us before I even have time to sit down. Everyone follows us as I place Gavin on the ER bed and the doctor looks at his leg.
"So what happened?" he looks at Gavin. Gavin just babbles words that no one would be able to understand.
"Gavin take the lollipop out of your mouth before you talk."
"X-Ray, Vav, and Mogar were trying to stop the Mad King. We had to free Edgar and I climbed above him but he saw me and then the roof collapsed!"
I blush as I hear Gavin explaining what happened. Kids have such wonderful imaginations.
"I see... did the mighty superheroes defeat the Mad King?" he looks at the kids and winks at Ryan.
"Yup! he started crying!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"That's enough, both of you." I say to them sternly. The doctor just chuckles and looks at me.
"Okay his leg is definitely broken, but we'll need to take an X-Ray to see how bad it is."
All the boys start giggling.
"An X-Ray... on Vav. That's funny..." Jack chuckles.
~~Time skip 20 min~~
"Alright one leg cast with British flags on it."
Gavin salutes and starts giggling. the doctor holds out a sharpie.
"Would anyone want to be the first to sign it?"
Ray squirms in Jack's arms and reaches for the marker.
"I think we have a taker." Ray grabs the marker and Jack uncaps it and puts him down. Ray runs over to Gavin and draws a very specific "V" and bowler hat on it around one of the flags. Then signing "X-Ray" next to it, along with the X in a circle that makes up his logo, in nearly illegible scribbles. Ray hands pen to the doctor. He hands it to Michael and he signs his name along with "Team Nice Dynamite". Then Ryan walks over and takes the pen, he stands there for a second and scribbles something down before handing the pen to the doctor, "I'll be waiting. -The Mad King." we all laugh, then Jack and I write down the names they have us, Dr. Beardo and Mister Chief. When we are all about to leave we thank the doctor. Gavin who had just been giggling and laughing the whole time jumps in, "Wait! are you gonna tell everyone what our secret identities are?" He looks pretty nervous.
"Of course not. If I did that, the fate of the world could be in danger."
Gavin, Michael, and Ray all thank him but Ryan looks like he's doing his best to be angry and try not to laugh. And of course the doctor noticed this too.
"And of course if I told everyone who the Mad King was, he wouldn't be able to do his villainous deeds, and you wouldn't be able to stop him."
Ryan, Jack, and I couldn't hold in our laughter anymore.

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