Chapter 28

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~Mogar's POV~
"Gah! Finally!" I yell as I force open the door that leads to the stairs. This has to be the tenth door I opened. I quickly sprint up the stairs, taking them two at a time. I need to find Lindsey! I need to find her fast. My legs start to shake and my lungs burn. I can't stop. I won't stop. I reach the top of the stairs. My shoulder slams into the door, forcing it open. I fall into a large room.

~Iron Kitten's POV~
"Okay. You'll only feel a small pinch..." The Mad King tells me as he presses the needle to my vein. He fills the syringe with the Crimson liquid, then removing it from my arm. He picks up a red band-aid, placing it over the small drop of food that has formed on the center of my arm.
"Alright, that's all I need. Thank you, Kitten."
"Your welcome. If you think it will help-" I start only to be cut off by a loud crash.
"Lindsey!" A voice yells. I spin around.
"Mogar?" I ask.
"Mogar..." the Mad King growls. "I thought you were trapped. How did you get out?"
"I'm not just strong y'know. I'm a superhero for a reason."
"Ah so you do have powers..." The Mad king mumbles, returning to his workbench. "Wonderful..."
Mogar runs over to the large cage, grabbing the bars.
"Linds-er Iron Kitten! Are you okay?"
"Yeah. of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
He stares at me like I'm crazy.
"The Mad King's been holding you hostage. Why would you be okay?"
"You think he's really that bad? He's actually a really good guy."
"What?" He yells, shock filling his eyes. "do you even know what you're saying?"
"Ah maybe I can clear this up." the Mad King, Ryan, I learned, speaks up. "I told her that this whole plan was just an attempt to cure cancer. it was a stretch, but she believed it." he shrugs.
"You... lied?" I ask, not wanting to believe him. "how could you Ryan?" I whisper.
"How could I? Are you really asking me that? I'm evil! That's how! And now I have this," he holds up the syringe. "now none of you will ever stop me." He reaches behind him, grabbing a very familiar lever. "now we really don't need this anymore." he pushes the lever up and the cage lifts off me. "well goodbye Mogar," he reaches behind him once more, knocking over a test tube, spilling its contents near his feet. Smoke quickly rises from the liquid.
"Goodbye, kitten..." he chuckles before his disappears in the cloud.


Okay sorry I didn't post last week, it's tech week (week of the school play, aka hell week) and I went on a 3 day, no technology retreat so I'm kind of behind on everything. I've had no time to type cuz I've been getting home at 11:00 every night. So I'm kind of exhausted. Well here's this chapter, its kinda shorter than I hoped, the next few are as well. But don't fret excitement is coming!

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