Ch. 12

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Jack's POV~~
I stare down at my Spanish book. Spanish and art are the only two classes Geoff and I share, well other than lunch. I feel a tap on the shoulder and jump.
"Dude, clam down. It's just me." Burnie laughs.
"Sorry but Geoff is late, and I'm worried..." I look back at my book.
"Oh yeah, he was dropping the boys off right?" Gus jumps in. I simply nod. "do you think he confronted the lady that made Ryan run off?"
"I hope not. you know what his temper is like. especially when someone hurts a person he cares about. He'll probably kick her ass and get banned from the school."
Joel turns around, "do you think it's just because you have the car? and now he has to run, and no matter how athletic he thinks he is, it will still take him about an hour to get here," the room lights up as a roar of thunder is heard, "in the pouring rain." He points to the window.
I mentally slap myself, and physically drop my head on my desk, "Shit, I do have the car don't I... I'm an idiot."
The door flies open and a figure stood in the doorway, dripping with rain.
"Sorry I'm late Ms. N!" everyone giggled and laughed at the soggy Geoff. "I had to drop my brothers off at school, then I had to walk, I'm really sorry!"
"Oh that's alright." she takes the note he got from the office, "now go to the bathroom and dry off, we aren't doing anything important here, so take your time."
"Yes Ms. N." he turns around and walks down the hall, loud squeaks following him.

Geoff's POV~~
I hear the laughs as I walk upstairs and into the bathroom, I'm so happy the bathroom is right next to the stairs. I stand in front of the mirror and look at the short deep chocolate hair sticking to my forehead, and the hairs forming a small mustache glued to my lip. I wish Jack hadn't left me, well I did tell him I'd meet him at school. I just wish it wasn't raining. I grab a few feet of paper towel and rub my hair until it stops dripping. I won't get it fully dry, but close enough. I hear the door open, but don't turn around. I can't see him in the mirror so I don't care.
"Wow you are seriously soaked." a soft voice says from the doorway. I spin on my heel and look at the origin of the sound.
"Griffon?!" she saunters into the restroom, "Wha~? What are you doing?! this is the men's room!"
"I know but no one's around so I thought I could help you dry off." She states bluntly.
I stare at her, stunned, "Wh-What!?"
She looked at me, confused, "..N-NO! I-I didn't mean- I uh... I meant I thought you could use some company-NO! I thought you would be upset after what happened yesterday and getting caught in the rain today so I uh..." her face burns a bright red.
"I understand what you're trying to do and thanks," I walk over and press a kiss to her forehead. "but next time you might want to try figuring out what you're gonna say, okay."
"Y-yeah... I'm gonna go now..." she turns around and walks out of the room
"She," I turn around and wring out the bottom of my shirt, "is a real piece of work." I can't help but smile.

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