Christmas Special 2014

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Picture created by lifehunters on tumblr.


~3rd Person POV~

"Mmmhhph?" Gavin mumbles as he slowly opens his eyes. The small five year old turns his head, only enough to look out the window. "Hmm?" The tired boy questions. "Huh? Micool...?" He mumbles, sitting up and looking around for his brother. "Micool?" He asks a bit louder, looking over at his brother's still sleeping body. Gavin quickly jumps out of bed and runs over to said sleeping figure. "Micool! Wake up Micool!" He yells, roughly shaking the boy.

"Stop it Gavin! I'm awake! Stop!" Michael protests. "Go back to sleep Gavin!" He yells, shoving his brother in the general direction of his bed.

"But Micool!"

"Gavin! Go! To! Sleep!"


"No Gavin!"

"But... It's Christmas Micool..."


"Its Christmas."

The two boys silently stare at each other for what seems like minutes, but in reality was only seconds.

"Christmas...?" Michael mumbles. He quickly pushes his brother off of him an runs toward the door.

"Gavin wake up Ray and Jack! I got Rye and Geoff!" Micheal yells, running to Ryan's room.

"Ryan! Ryan wake up!" He yells, jumping on top of his brother's legs.

"Michael, get off me..." the sleepy pre-teen mumbles.

"Ryan wake up! It's Christmas!"

"Really? I couldn't tell from all your yelling." He glances up at his brother and noting the pout on his face. He sighs. "Alright... lets wake up Jack and Geoff..." He sits up, grabbing his brother and hoisting him over his shoulder. He carries the giggling six year old in front of Geoff's door, lowering the boy so he could look him in the eye. He holds a finger up to his lips, signalling for the boy to be quiet. He pulls Michael back over his shoulder. He silently opens the door, tip-toeing into the room. He silently makes his way over to the bed. In one swift motion he drops Michael on Geoff's stomach, causing the oldest of the Hunter brothers to lurch up, suddenly alert.

"Why!? R-Ryan why?!?!" He gasps, not quite sure what to say about the early wake up call.

"Its Christmas!" Michael yells, sitting up in Geoff's lap. Geoff simply stares at the lad before replying with a sigh.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Is everyone else up?"

"Yup." Ryan replies.

"Alright lets go..." Geoff mumbles, picking up the young boy and climbing out of bed. He shuffles down the hall, holding Michael who, at this point, is practically vibrating with excitement. He mutters quiet good mornings as he enters the living room, finding Jack, Ray, and Gavin, waiting for them.

"Merry Christmas. I guess..." Jack announces, holding his own, bouncing child. Gavin sits in Jack's arms and, similar to Michael, is shaking.

"Yeah. Merry Christmas." Geoff says, looking at the children around them. Ryan and Ray are, by far, the calmest. Ryan has long since stopped believing in Santa Clause, and Ray is not quite old enough to know that today is Christmas, and he's about to get presents.

"Soo... Who wants breakfast?" Ryan asks, trying his very best to annoy his siblings by prolonging the time until they get presents.

"No!" Michael and Gavin scream in unison, causing a screech pf pain from the two teens holding them.

"Stop Ryan! I know its fun to mess with your brothers but wait 'til we put them down." Geoff says, scolding the blonde teen.

"Geoff! Can we get presents now?" Gavin asks.

"Sure." He responds, placing Michael on the ground, letting him sprint over to the colorful, ornamented tree, or more specifically, the presents underneath. The three boys quickly tear through all of their presents.

"So what did Santa bring you guys?" Ryan asks them. Michael holds up a new bear hoodie, a bear claw necklace, and a red stuffed bird.

"I think I'll call him Kazooie." He states

Gavin holds up a green , checkered (almost pixelated) scarf, green goggles, and a small video camera.

"Everything looks better in slo-mo!" He responds.

Ray holds up a plush rose, several different pokemon dolls (Snorlax, Articuno, and Rapidash to be exact) and he simply points to a small, square plastic cake.

"Cakeless..." he grumbles.

"Ryan! You haven't opened your presents yet!" Gavin yells.

"Ryan probably just got coal, he's been pretty evil this year..." Michael responds.

"Oh, c'mon i think i see a still wrapped gift. Go for it Ry." Geoff says. He's right, there is exactly one left. He walks over to the last gift, carefully looking at the name on the top: Ryan. In Geoff's crude handwriting, it does, in fact, say his name. He quickly pulls off the paper, in a rather childish way.

"So what is it Ry?" Geoff smirks.

"Yeah Ryan! What is it?!" Gavin yells.

"It's...It's a tool set..." Ryan smiles, that smile quickly turning into a smirk.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it..."


Merry Christmas everybody!

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