chapter one

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I've never been the overachieving type

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I've never been the overachieving type. That's solely my younger sister's domain. You know how it is; that one sibling who aced every academic subject in high school, and got all the attention and praise for it, couldn't be me. It should bother me, but I know, at some point, I stopped giving a fuck. I honestly couldn't care less about which sibling my parents preferred. In the end, no one's gonna look after you, so you've gotta look after yourself.

It is not that hard. All I had to do was just stop caring. I focus on what I want and fight tooth and nail to get there. Through high school, my only motivation, in terms of grades, was to get as far away from home as possible. I don't hate my parents, but I sure as shit resent them a whole lot. for a multitude of reasons, starting with the fact that they were too strict and ending with how no one really liked me, just barely tolerated my existence.

This brings me to where I am now: on a full-ride scholarship at Columbia University. which is ironic because, as I said, I'm not much of an over-achiever. I do, however, still pay for my accommodation and food. It feels surreal, though. It's like, one moment I'm in my room at my parents' house, and now I'm standing in my dorm. I must admit that the most thrilling part of moving here is the fact that I'm completely independent. I have years' worth of money I saved up during high school for the big move. I love the feeling of adventure, which I'm sure living here is going to be. Most people fear change, and in all honesty, I should too. But instead, I welcome it with open arms. It keeps things interesting.

I've always dreamt of moving to New York. I love the city scene, but if I'm being truthful, I love New York more for what it represents: freedom, independence, and a new chapter in my life. However, it is the constant noise, the excessive light, and the pungent smell that make this city my match.

It's about 3 in the afternoon, classes start in a week, and I'm practically vibrating with excitement. It's like, for the first time in a very long time, I feel like I'm going to love school. Academics aren't what gets me going; I happen to excel in most things in the creative department. This makes architecture the perfect major for me. It's difficult not to be proud that I'm studying architecture on a scholarship, but I did work my ass off for four years to get here.

I've already moved into my dorm. My roommate's supposed to move in today. I hope she's not obnoxiously happy. Not to be one of those girls but I can't help it; obnoxiously happy people are nauseating. I have an entire day to kill so thought id go get lunch and explore. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror. My light brown skin has a radiant glow to it today. my straight, dark brown hair runs to my waist in layers. I'm definitely having a good hair day. I leave the building and do what I do when I'm bored. walk in a random direction and hope for the best.

I save the location of my building on my phone just in case I get lost. I put in my earphones and play music because music is life. After hours of walking, I needed coffee. Much to my convenience, there was a cafe right down the street. I grab a cup of black coffee with no sugar and make my way back.

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