chapter twelve

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I woke up with a very much, asleep Hayla on my shoulder. gently placing her head down on the couch, I get ready for a day of meetings with my father. It's a frigid day. the windows are fogged up and I probably have more windows than walls. I get dressed in my usual suit. I walk out of my room and make coffee for myself and the sleeping woman on my couch. I pour it into a thermos and write a note to let her know this is for her.

as unusual it is for me to do things for other people, this feels somewhat normal. I look over the counter of the kitchen to look at my couch. My days are the most stressful, yet her annoying existence makes it go away. I still know nothing about her. 

where is she from?

her favourite colour?

why was she crying?

I snap out of it and I leave my apartment. I have a to-do list on my phone reading:


.attend meeting at 10:30am

don't think about hayla.

 type up a summary of the meeting; send to fathers' assistant

don't think about hayla

.attend 11:00 pm civil procedures class

don't think about hayla

.finish work from contracts class

don't. think. about. hayla.

as you can see I need to have my head straight. I can't let a woman destroy everything I've worked for. all these sleepless nights, the hours I over-work myself; it can't be thrown away for something as minuscule as attraction. 

I enter my car and prepare for another long day. mentally draining, physically exhausting day. I arrive at my father's building and make my way into the meeting room. We all take seats and yet again, we have to listen to the contractors discussing agreements and...

what are we, are we friends? because we cant be dating, we haven't gone out on a date yet. no, not yet, never. we cant ever date. so what do I do. do I tell her that I never want to see her face again? her very soft on eye's face. one of the only faces that aren't completely irritating. maybe even calming. now that I think of it her hair is ...

"Mr Beaufort, do you think we should clear the contracts and send them back to our clients to sign?"

instantly I snap out of it. ah shit. as smooth as possible I say, "let me re-read them one more time and ill let you know."

"Well, that concludes this meeting. thank you all for making it.", said the contractor.

as I leave the building I beat myself up mentally about how I utterly failed at not thinking about hayla. 

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