chapter seven

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Most of my fucking day is spent on schoolwork

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Most of my fucking day is spent on schoolwork. Law is my passion but fuck if it isn't time-consuming. My whole life has been centred on becoming a great lawyer like my father is now. school is my priority so long days like today are expected. 

speaking of long days, this day is about to get much longer. According to Mikey, our date consists of going for dinner and 'hanging out.  Attire is said to be formal but not too formal. I know, it's a mindfuck. I opt for black dress pants and a matching black dress shirt with the top button unbuttoned; no tie. 

Mikey struts into my apartment, as per usual. " Alek, dude, I'm so nervous I could shit my pants."

"like her that bad huh?"

"She's the first girl I don't wanna just have sex with, she's like my version of Hayla"

I immediately scoff and say, "I do not think of Hayla like that. She's just a girl, nothing more nothing less."

"denial is not just a river in Africa my guy.", He says smugly. I throw a pillow from my couch at him.

"I don't like her. She's my opposite. we'd never get along and that's the end of that"

"Keep telling yourself that." 

I am actually going to punch this guy. 

" you aggravate me", I say with my teeth clenched.

" ya, but you love me anyway."

I chose to ignore him and headed out to my car to pick up Mindy. Or was it, Maddy. Mikey takes his own car to the restaurant. I arrive at Mindy/ Maddys' place. She gets into the car and we begin to drive.

It doesn't take long before we arrive and enter the restaurant. Mikey and some guy are sitting at the table. they look like they've just met so I'm going to assume that this is the best friends date. The dates are yet to arrive so we wait.

 The dates are yet to arrive so we wait

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"we're late.", I point out. We're taking a cab to the restaurant and it's not moving fast enough.

"I know, but at least we look good", Amy says, trying to be positive.

We make it to the place and wow. this place is nice. I mean it's well put together, nothing id ever afford by myself. 

we head in and look for our dates. My eyes land on the table which Erin is on. 


what in the actual fuck.

sitting on the same table is Aleksander and a girl glued to his arm. She's beautiful. Her body looks like it's allergic to fat. and her hair cascades down all the way to her ass.  I'm not one to be insecure but I feel a little small. Her presence is intimidating.

" Hayla.", Erin greets me by kissing my cheek. I look over at Amy to see that she is equally as surprised by Aleks presence. 

" Nice to see you again Alek!", Amy says excitedly. 

"you know each other ?" Mike asks Amy and Alek. well isn't this just lovely.

after clarifying that situation Alek introduces the beauty sitting next to him.

"guys this is...", he trails. The asshole doesn't know her name?!?

"Macy", she finishes for him looking quite annoyed.

After we ordered we began conversing. 

"so Erin how did you and Hayla meet", Alek asks in an interrogative tone. 

"We met at a physics course we take together", I answer for him.

"I asked him", he says in an assholish way. why is he being rude all of a sudden? I thought we were past that. 

"ya well I answered", I reply.

"you take physics?", Macy asks Erin with genuine curiosity. 

"Yes! I love it actually.", he answers. 

"I love physics too!."

and just like that Macy shocks us. Beauty and brains. how the hell was anyone supposed to compete with that.

Erin and Macy take into their conversation and so do Mike and Amy. Alek and I just send death glares across the table. Our food arrives and we eat. the others continue their conversations and Alek and I continue our staring battle. After eating Amy and Mike leave early to you know;)

being the good friend that I am I let her have the room for the night while I crash at Jamie's.  Now it's just us four. Macy has her hand interlinked with Aleks and this strange gut feeling hits me hard. I am not jealous.

"Maddy, how do you know Alek?", I shoot.

"It's Macy", she corrects. Whoops. "and we met through our fathers."

"so you're also reliant on daddies money?", I'm not sure why I'm being rude to her. Maybe I am jealous. shit, that wasn't nice. I should apologise. Alek picks up on my rudeness.

"That was uncalled for", Erin says.

"fine, YOU can date her if you want.", wow im in a sour mood.

Macy and Erin excused themselves to the bathroom and it was just Alek and me on the table. I take this moment to confront him.

"what the fuck is your problem today"

"I'm not sure what you mean"

this fucker 

"the death glares? the rude comments? the list goes on"

" what about your comments and glares. You were rude to Mindy for no reason", he says.

"her name is Macy.", I scoff.

"oh don't act like you like her now"

Macy and Erin come back with their arms intertwined. well, that took a turn.

"listen I know this makes us assholes but we're not going to pretend like we didn't just make out in the bathroom and you too need to get a room anyway. the sexual tension could kill.", Macy makes her remark and with that our dates walk out together. How pathetic are we.

"well this is just great", Alek says.

" ya, you drove our dates away", I say.

" I am not the one who drove them away, YOU are the one to blame here"

" ME?!? I've done nothing, YOU decided to choose to be rude today"

he sighs and pays the bill. 

"I hate you", I say.

"no you don't", he mumbles.

" God! you are so infuriating "

just like that, I leave the restaurant and head to Jamie's dorm. This man is going to drive me crazy. Why do feel attracted to him.

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