chapter four

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we enter the car and she practically radiates apprehensiveness

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we enter the car and she practically radiates apprehensiveness. This woman is something else. I start the engine and get going. She directs me to her dorm building.

"you never showed up to class"

with her...I want to know everything, I hate it.

"that's a funny story but I don't share it with assholes"

"Could we pretend that I'm a well rounded, honest to good man"

she sighs and tells me

" for starters, I showed up late for class. Then because life is a bitch, I realised that I was in the wrong class. naturally, I decided to just sit through the class and wallow in my stupidity'"

she rambles on about that 'awful' day that she had to live through. if this were any other person I'd not so politely tell them to shut the fuck up but it's not any other person. it's this random girl who I barely know.

I park my car and hurry out the door to open hers but she'd already opened it herself. I closed the door. And then I opened it again for her.

"Are you serious", she said stunned.

"yep", is all I answer her with. I hold out my arm for her.

"you're fucking kidding, when did you become a gentleman", she says, even more, shocked. I remain silent with my hand still stretched out for her. she takes it and steps out of the car.

" you don't have to walk me in", she says nervously.

"I know.", I say as I tuck my hands in the pockets of my sweatpants and begin walking.

I let her take the lead. we eventually reach her dorm. I feel.. disappointed? that's a new one. Anger, I can understand but disappointment...

"ill see you around I guess", Hayla says. I only nod as a response still trying to wrap my head around this foreign feeling. she unlocks her door and I walk away.

the next day

"Look man, I'm just saying, the only way to get a girl out of your head is to get another one under you. you know what I mean", Mikey says while inhaling smoke from his cigarette. " I mean this is weird for me too, what happens to me when you decide to fall in love and live happily ever after, huh? ill be all by my lonesome dude, still getting chicks but ill be doing it alone"

Mikey has a special way with words and by that I mean he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about ninety per cent of the time. What I can say without a doubt, is that he attracts women to him like bees are to pollen. I can see the appeal. He's a perfect shade of brown(white from his mum and black from his dad), curly hair, big lips. Hell, if I liked men I would love him.

" love? have we met, Hi my name is Aleksander Beaufort and I don't do love"

"you say that now but ill be the one objecting when you guys get married, my job as your wingman is to keep you on your A-game with the ladies and stop you from thinking about this Hayla chick", this idiot best friend of mine passes me the cig and continues his idiocy as always." I'm thinking we go to a club, get some drinks, pick up some ladies and you know the rest."

" last time I went to one I ended up with hayla in my apartment. Either way, I can't do anything today. I've got a late business meeting with my dad"

"well shit."

"ya... shit."

"aight, listen ill plan something this week and by the time you get home from it you won't even remember her"

" Whatever you say, Mikey."

Later that night

This meeting dragged on for too long.

" we'll go over the contracts and let you know." Sal, one of my dads' lawyers, says with a definite tone. Everyone nods in agreement and get up to leave the conference room. I check the time and it's already midnight. "Aleksander, a word.", my father calls.

I walk toward him as the room clears out. " yes father."

"I need you to look over these contracts with sal. Learn from him."

"Anything else?", I ask.

"you may leave"

well, goodnight to him too I guess. I'm just glad I get to go home.

I walk out of the building and towards my car which I had parked far away for reasons I can't quite remember. This day gets better and better. Suddenly, there's a commotion from my fathers' building. suddenly I see Hayla, the one and only running from the security guards out of the building. She sees me and my confused face and says, " can't explain, gotta run.'

"wait Hayla!"

In a moment of adrenaline, she grabs my hand and now I find myself running with her. we keep running and I can't help but watch her as she laughs uncontrollably as we run across the streets of New York . we're both panting but we don't stop. I'm smiling and I can't stop smiling. We run across the street as the cars honk at us nearly running us over. In this moment we don't care. We just run.

"where are we going", I yell.

" I'm not sure, just keep running!", she yells back, her pace not faltering.

" you're insane!", I laugh.

" tell me something I don't know", she laughs back.

We finally get far enough. thankfully I recognise where we are and it's not too far from my apartment. She's still laughing as we slow down into a walk. This girl is my kind of crazy.

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