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SYNOPSIS — The one where Camilo professes his appreciation for his best friend

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SYNOPSIS — The one where Camilo professes his appreciation for his best friend. <3 FLUFF!

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"Camilooo, where are we going? Can you please tell me now?"

"Chill for a second, [Name]! It's somewhere really special, I promise you'll love it!" He looks back at you and smiles, further tugging your arm.

You and your family finally settled down, and you still weren't used to things around here. You moved a while ago and found yourself in this quaint little town, somewhere where magic really exists! You heard about the many tales of the famed "Madrigals" and had only seen their endeavors around town; but you had yet to meet any of them. You'd think that after your first week here you'd know at least anything about them, but, you don't just go around asking random people to tell them everything and anything it themselves. That'd be weird.

That is, till a month (or four) ago when you ran into Camilo. You don't know what it was, but something about him was.. fascinating. You got to know him as time passed and eventually you started to subconsciously seek him out every day in town, wanting to spend the day in his company, supplementing him in his meaningless daily undertakings.

And he wasn't read to tell you this, but oddly enough, he felt the same way.

"Finally, we're here! Say hello to La Casita de Madrigals!!" He gestures towards the house as you chuckle, "Well, hello Casita de Madrigal." You quip jokingly, only to be surprised at the house somehow responding with tiles being shaken as well as the door opening.

Your eyes go wide as you stare in awe, "W-woah! Did you see that? Well, of course you did, but this house is magic!?" You turn towards Camilo once more and tilt your head as you wait for a response.

"It's what I've been telling you!" He grabs your arm as you laugh and attempt to keep up with him.

He shows you around the house, introducing you to his family members one by one, mentioning their gifts (if they have one) and quickly running off so they don't have the chance to ask any questions that might embarrass him.

As the two of you are running through the halls, just about to make it to his room, you both halt at the sound of a voice. You turn around and see a taller ginger-ette with curly hair. She's holding a basket of laundry and is wearing a sunny yellow dress. There's briefly a ray of sunshine above her head before the weather shifts to cloudy. "Camilo? Who's this?"

Camilo slowly turns around and smiles nervously, "Aaay, hola mamá!" He gestures puts an arm around your shoulder, allowing a jumble of words to spill out his mouth. "This is [Name], mamá meet [Name], [Name] meet mamá, also known as Pepa, now we've gotta go so—" he quickly grabs your hand and pulls you towards his room, before she calls out to him.

"Hey!" You both stop once more watching as the weather above her head warps once more back into sunshine. "..leave the door open, okay?"

Camilo sighs of relief and lets outs quick "Yes, mamá!" Before pulling you into his room.

"Now, the moment you've been waiting for!" He leads you to the front of a mirror, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Get ready to have your mind blown."

"Pfft, yeah, okay." You nod and smile at his reflection in the mirror, and watch as he shapeshifts into you.

Your mouth drops open and you can't even speak before he beats you to it, "Hey everybo-day!? I'm [Name], and I dress like a [Your Style]!!" He grabs your hand and twirls you around, barely allowing you to catch the mischievous glint in his eyes,"I also spend, like, everyday with my bestie Camilo, I love [Favourite Food], and I always [Random habit you have] like, every single second of the day." You don't realize that he doesn't let go of your hand.

You got over your intial shock and cracked a smile at his dumb impression of you. You rolled your eyes in good fun before you realized he wasn't finished.

Moments pass by as his happy-go-lucky attitude fades away and he peers into your eyes, seemingly deciding whether or not to continue, before he breathed out a sigh. "Uh,. Camilo? You good?" He very subtly nods and speaks, fully dropping his impression and de-shapeshifts back to himself. "...and.. y'know... I don't think you realize it.. but.." He pauses, "I think you're really cool." He delicately grabs your other hand, "And I appreciate you a lot."

Butterflies swarm up in your stomach and your face feels warm, taking in his words. Not a moment passes by before you let go of his hands to embrace him, smushing your face against his. "..Camilooo. I don't even know how to respond to that!! That was so sweet of you." You hug him tighter and smile a mushy lovey-dovey smile as you close your eyes. "I appreciate you a lot, too." You twirl his curls with your finger as you relish in his hold.


"Let's hope Dolores didn't hear all that.."

"HA, Yeah, she probably did."

"I did!" Dolores yells from across the house.

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Author's Note: HI GUYS this is my first time writing for Camilo, what do you guys think? :P

If you have an idea for a one-shot, feel free to leave it in the comments!! :) HAVE A SUPER COOL AMAZING & CLEVER DAYYY

PSA: PEPA DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING FROM HER COMMENT so no sexual innuendos in the comments 😐 (16/01/2022)

PSA TWO: any weirdo sexual innuendos will from now on be deleted. any commenters 
of the sort made after this edit will be muted. (07/03/2022)

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