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SYNOPSIS — The one where it's New Years Day <3 FLUFF!

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SYNOPSIS — The one where it's New Years Day <3 FLUFF!

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11:18 am

Knock, Knock!

"Buenas días, Familia de Madrigal!"

You were promptly ignored as everyone in the house was bustling with talk and everyone getting prepared for the party that was being hosted tonight. You shrugged, "Understandable."

You walked up the stairs and greeted several people on the way as you knocked on Camilo's door. Waiting for his response, you looked around the colorful house, admiring the decorations already coming together. It was nice to see ever since la casita broke, the Madrigals were much more casual rather than the impossible perfection they formerly seemed to strive for.

"—I SAID COME IN!!" You jumped from the sudden loud noise and twisted his doorknob, entering his room. "HAHA, sorry about that," You closed the door behind you, "Lost in thought."

He didn't mind what you said as he dug under his bed, only his legs sticking out, and continued searching. "What!? Where is it!?" He crawled out from beneath the structure and frowned, meeting eyes with you.

"Whatcha lookin' for?"

"Ugh, only the single most important thing in my life!" He crossed his arms. You chuckled and walked towards him, picking dust out of his hair. "Maybe I can help you find it?"

"NO!—Uh, I mean—well, okay! Grácias." He stood up, walking towards another section of his room, opening up drawers and throwing clothes out behind and him. "It's yellow and [favourite colour]. You'll know it when you see it." You rose a brow at him and offered a lending hand.

12:00 pm

"OH MY GOD CAMILO. We've been looking for like, twelve hours now! It's time to give it up, you probably lost it."

He sighs, "You're right. Maybe I should just get another one." He walks out of his room leaving you to catch up, quickly hopping down the stairs as you trailed behind him. "Camilo! Wait up!"

He stops at the door, waiting for you arrive at his side before grabbing your hand and pulling you along. "I'm on a time crunch today, it'll be faster this way." You felt your face heating up before speaking, "Wow, Camilo taking precautions? Unheard of."

12:10 pm

You two reach town and stop by every jewelery stand in the market, Camilo describing what he was looking for only to be disappointed that none of the shops had it.

Camilo Madrigal x Reader Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now