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SYNOPSIS - The one where Dolores tries to get the lovebirds together <3

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SYNOPSIS - The one where Dolores tries to get the lovebirds together <3

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Dolores is a naturally snoopy person.

Not on purpose, of course!

Ever since she was gifted her power at five years old, she's had enhanced hearing, and she can hear everything. She's learned to tune most of it out and emphasize what she wants to hear, but sometimes she'll accidentally hear something that she wasn't meant to hear, like Bruno's vision, Mirabel's chorus.. oh, and the obvious romantic tension between her brother and his "friend"!

She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but she heard one of their conversations and her first assumption was that Camilo was dating someone behind everyone's back. But after hearing more she deduced that they just liked each other, and her brother was too dense to realize.

And you know what? She's tired of it.

She's tired of the flirting that goes nowhere, she's tired of the will-they-won't-they and she does NOT want to hear it anymore. So, she's got a plan; starting with the situation she's in now. You're coming over (as per her invite) and she's asked her brother to come down the stairs. If she's hearing your footsteps right (she always is), then you'll be here in just a few seconds... "Dolores, you said you needed my help?"

She turned towards him and opened her mouth to speak just as la casita opened, the sunset shining through the crack of the doors. "Hola Dolores!"

You looked to her left, "Oh, and Camilo!" Mentioned boy immediately perked up when he saw you, walking to your side. "[Name]!! What're you doing here?"

"Dolores invited me over! She said she wanted my help," you turn towards the super-hearer. Camilo blinks. "..wait a minu-"

"-Oh, they're calling us to the dining room. It's time for dinner." She quickly avoids her younger brother's suspicion and brushes past you, walking with a purpose towards the table.

"O-okay?" You and Camilo share a look and follow her.

Making it to the dinner table, Dolores nods at everyone and they nod back, ready to bring the plan into action.

The duo makes it into the dining room and are greeted by everyone at the table, already set and food ready to be eaten. Camilo raises an eyebrow, confused at the sight. He usually helps set the table..?

Looking around for a seat, you notice there's only three chairs that are bare, every other one is taken. Opting to sit in the chair closest to Abuela and far from the other chairs, you walk to it and prepare to sit.

At that very moment, several animals climb up onto the wooden chair. "..sorry [Name]. I wanted my animals to have somewhere sit.. I hope you don't mind!" He looks at you with puppy eyes and you can't find it in you to be annoyed (not that you were going to be anyway).

"Don't worry, Antonio! It's okay." You give him a thumbs up and step to the other chairs, conveniently next to Camilo.

You don't notice the nod of approval Dolores gives Antonio.

Dinner goes smoothly as there's lots of chattering, people having their own conversations. You and Camilo talk about anything and everything, just as oblivious to each other as ever. You're given heart shaped arepas, your food spelled out different phrases like "love" and "crush", but neither of you acknowledge the oddly shaped meal, opting to dig in rather than inspect it.

Dolores side eyes the two of you, trying to determine the perfect time to set the next step of her plan into action.

Just then, Mirabel lightly kicks her from across the table, giving her the look, as if saying "It's time!"

Dolores promptly stands up, the entire family (and you) looking towards her. "Everyone, I have an announcement."

The family waits in anticipation, already knowing what was to come. "I'm going to marry Mariano."

Everyone erupts in fake cheers and 'whoops'. "...that being said, is there anyone else who might want to.. get together?" She stares at you dead in the eye, not breaking eye contact, and the rest of the members follow suit, staring at the duo of you at the end of the table.

"HAHA, what?" You sweat nervously, looking to Camilo for answers to see him shrugging, equally as confused as you.

See, Dolores is a calm person, but when she's passionate about something, expect fire.


The entire table is quiet before the rest of the Madrigals pipe up to add their input,

"Yeah, we all know you like each other."


"She said what had to be said."

"It would've beem a lifetime before you two made it official if she didn't speak up.."

"Yeah guys, it's getting old."


You feel your face bloom with heat as you look down, frantically avoiding eye contact. Meanwhile, Camilo is looking around in shock, face red and trying to figure out what is going on here??

"Since when were you guys do focused on our business!?" He speaks, embarrassed for himself AND on your behalf. "HA, since you proved you can't make a move." Felix reports playfully, the rest of the Madrigals agreeing.

"Well..!" You grab their attention, it being the first time you spoke since Dolores had her outburst, "if that's what you want," you turn towards Camilo, "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

The family (might as well be a croud at this point), erupts in hollers and cheers, Abuela even smiling and putting her hand on her chest.

Camilo stares back at you, awestruck at your boldness and barely manages a nod before the cheering resumes.

Dolores sits back in her seat, smug. "Finally," she thinks, "my job here is done."

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Author's Note: HI THANK YOU GraceHester208 FOR REQUESTING !! HOPE U ENJOYED :)

the picture above is just something i doodled in class LOLZ

ALSO AUMMM i noticed some of you guys migrating to my ... other works AND LEMME JUST SAY THEY'RE SO OLD AND YHE WRITING IS NOT ... REFINED 😃😃😁😁 SO BE PREPARED TO BE LIKE "BLEGH what is this honey ...", BC IT'S NOT GOOD AHAHA


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