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SYNOPSIS — The one where [Name] is trying to cook and utterly fails, and Camilo comes to their rescue

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SYNOPSIS — The one where [Name] is trying to cook and utterly fails, and Camilo comes to their rescue. <3 FLUFF!

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You gently opened your eyes, squinting to make sure the other person inhabiting the bed was still asleep.

As your eyes adjusted to the dark, you inspected his eyes and made sure they were completely closed.

Curls framing his face, Camilo layed there, eyes shut and mouth slightly open. You smiled at him, before squinting your eyes. "Wait a minute.." you thought. "Is he breathing!?"

You stilled yourself and examined him, sighing with relief as you spotted his chest rising and falling, you climbed out of his arms and out of the bed, feet touching the cold floor.

Wandering around your house towards the kitchen, you thanked whatever higher force you believe in that your parents weren't home to hear you up this early.

Oh, and also so Camilo could stay the night.

You made your way to your cabinets and shuffled the pots and pans around quietly for the specific one you were looking for.

"Gotcha!" You exclaimed to yourself, bringing out the mini pan. Turning towards the fridge, you started bringing out all the contents you'd need to make you and your boyfriend a nice meal.

Camilo obviously liked food; he was a growing boy and he needs his nutrients, and the shapeshifting must take a lot of energy. It wasn't a secret that he had specific favourites, and luckily for you, you knew all of them.


The sizzle of the frying pan rang through the empty kitchen, and you listened to the silence that quickly followed, resuming the chopping and dicing of vegetables.

You sighed and looked out the kitchen window; the sun was just starting to come up, and the atmosphere was peaceful. It felt like how it did after rain: serene, relaxing, and tranqu—

"Ow!" You involuntarily yelped. You looked down to see a medium sized burn. You dropped the hot pan onto the floor and tried not to panic. "Why would I do that," you whispered to nobody, walking over to the medicine cabinet and searching for the antiseptic.

"[Name]? [Name], where are you?"

Keeping your hand up in the air, you turned around to see the very person you wanted to surprise in the first place. "Nooo, Camilo! Go back to bed." You waved your uninjured hand at him and continued looking for the treatment.

"What? Why?" He rubbed his face, "Are you okay? I heard your yell." He walked up to you and softly grabbed the back of your injured hand, inspecting it and finding the burn. "What happened?"

"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast," you pouted at your inability to find the medicant, turning to face him. "So go back to bed! I'm not done yet."

He playfully rolled his eyes and smiled, he shapeshifted into a taller man, grabbing the burn-treatment-rub from behind a bottle on the top shelf and shapeshifting back. "HA, I'm already awake, so it's fine," he opened the bottle and took your hand, applying it to your burn. "You tried, though."

"Shut up," you smiled at him then looked down at your hand. "How did you find that?"

"Oh, easy. I'm just smart like that." He shrugged and brought your burn close to his lips, softly blowing on it. "Does this help?"

"Haha, yeah." You sighed and relished in the silence that followed. "Be more careful next time, okay?" He brought one of his hands to your neck and kissed your cheek.

Warmth spreading through your chest, you nodded. "KK."

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Author's Note: I WROTE THIS IS ONE SITTING 😱😱😱🤨😏


also guys what's with all this "dududu" business on chapter two 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨💬💬💬💬 LMFAO IM SO CONFUSED


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