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SYNOPSIS - The one where [Name] gets in a fight with her parents, and Camilo comforts them <3 FLUFF! TEARS!

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SYNOPSIS - The one where [Name] gets in a fight with her parents, and Camilo comforts them <3 FLUFF! TEARS!

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"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" You slammed your door and lock it with such vigor that it even rocks you. You stomp further into your room and are not able to fully process your emotions, you're left in complete shock.

It was always like this.

You can't even live your life without their constant nagging, their constant attempt at argument that they were determined to have every single time they saw you. It's like the live to make you miserable.

They complain about what a pain you are, and leave you left wondering: "Then why did you have me in the first place?"

Finally, the wall comes crashing down and tears form in your eyes. Your anger is too much to handle, and it comes out in the form of tears.

Sitting down on your floor, you crunch into a ball, knees at your chest, and you cry. You cry for all the times they've hurt you, and you cry for all the times you've felt unwanted. You cry for everyone who has to deal with the same, and you cry in envy of everyone who doesn't.

Very faintly, you hear knocking at the front door, followed by a prompt opening. Your tears don't cease and you don't hear the conversation that's being had before the door's closed again.

Moments pass before you hear knocking on your window.

"Oh," you think go yourself, "I forgot he was coming over."

You contemplate whether or not you want to open the window for him, you don't want him to see you like this. But a part of you wants to be vulnerable with him, and let him be here to help you through this moment. You decide to let him in, slowly sitting up and trudging towards the door, still breathing heavily and tears still sliding down your face.

Hearing the knock once more, you pick up your pace and open your curtains and window, not once meeting your boyfriend in the eye. "Hey [Na]- hey, hey, what's wrong?" His curious demeanor does a one-eighty to heavy concern.

You can't muster the energy to say anything and break out in a sob, covering your face and going to sit on the floor once more, back against your bed. Camilo doesn't say anything as he climbs in your window, letting himself in and shutting it behind him.

He slides to sit down next to you, arm against yours as he catches glimpses of you through your hands. "..do you.. wanna talk about it?" You shake your head 'no' and shakily breathe as he nods and places an arm on your back, rubbing it in circles.

"It's okay," he whispers to you attempting to calm you down. You lean into his shoulder and he moves to full on hug you, continuing to rub your back and whisper. "You'll be okay,"

You finally calm down after several minutes of him being here with you, and speak for the first time. "I'm.. sorry about that," you pull away to look at him only to end up avoiding eye contact. "I got into a f-fight with my parents-s over [argument with your parents], and it was the most angry, sad, and frustrated I've been in a while."

Camilo looks at you sympathetically and shakes his head, "Don't be sorry, [Nickname]. You don't have to apologize for crying," he grabs both your hands and continues, looking you in the eye. "I'm really, really sorry you had to go through that. You deserve happiness para siempre." That one makes you smile just a bit, but it doesn't go unseen by Camilo. "And if you ever need anyone else to talk to about that, mi familia is always here for you.. they love you more than they love me at this point." he cracks a joke and you lightly laugh, lightening the mood. He intertwines your fingers and says one last thing, "I.. I love you, okay?"

Warmth spreads through your chest and you nod, happy to hear his words. You remove one of his hands from yours and wipe away your tears. He grins at you and leans in to kiss your cheek, knowing how flustered you get, even though you've been dating for months now.

"Do you wanna come over to my house for a bit?" He tilts his head at you.

"Actually," your breathing still hitching from the previous moments, "can we stay here like this for a little longer?"

You lean into his side and sigh deeply. Camilo closes his eyes and takes in the serene moment, "Yeah."

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and also u guys r so sweet STOP COMMENTING THINGS LIKE "omg i love ur writing" BC I'LL DIE OF A HEART ATTACK OVER HOW. SWEET AND NICE IT IS SERIOUSLY 😭😭😭 <33333333 ILY GUYS

PS- i will NEVER i repeat NEVERRRRR get over how absolutely ADORABLE antonio is like look at him n his parents doin they dance 😫😫 SO CUTE😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


that was a long a/n LOL ANYWAY HAVE A GOOD DAY GUYSS

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