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SYNOPSIS — The one where the shapeshifter is sick

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SYNOPSIS — The one where the shapeshifter is sick. <3 FLUFF!

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So, a bit of backstory.

The Madrigals obviously were not sickness-prone people, obviously. They were a family of many wonderful gifts, and one of which grants a specific family member the ability to heal people through her cooking. That meant anytime anyone was physically harmed in anyway, she'd be their savior, and all would be well.

That's unless she was on a week-long vacation with her daughters.

And all the food she'd cooked in preparation was finished.

It's weird because yesterday was so normal! That's what really sucks, you and Camilo were dancing and spinning hand in hand under the rain just yesterday; you told him to wear a raincoat, but of course like the stubborn dude he was, didn't wanna listen, and in his own words, "just wants to stay with you!" You normally would've told him to just be fast and come back quickly, but those words struck a cord with the butterflies in your stomach, and it was almost as if he knew what he was doing.

So, being the totally responsible person you were, you... let him stay. For the record, you're only human.

Anyway, now he was in his bed understandably being a big baby, complaining about it being "too cold" or "too hot" and never "just right". "I'm so boreddd! Can we play a game, or something?" He sits up in bed, the rag on his forehead falling off onto his lap.

"No Camilo, we can't," you sit on the edge of his bed and place your hand on his chest, softly push him back to lay down. Your hand travels to caress his forehead, pushing the curls away. "You are sick, and you need rest." You place the rag back onto his head, the temperature on the cooler side to bring down his temperature.

He pouts, and moments go by as he grabs your hand, encasing it in both of his, intertwining his fingers with yours. "Please, [Name]?"

You look away and fight the smile crawling into your face trying to avoid giving him what he wants. "No, Camilo." He knows your weakness!

He lets out a little "Aww :(" and lets go of you, turning his head a bit; not enough to make the rag fall as he keeps his body straight.

You stare at him and sigh, knowing you've lost the battle. He's like a speedrunner, playing the "How fast can I break [Name] with my charms?" Game, constantly setting new records and raising the bar.  "Tell you what, Cam," he peeks over towards you and you continue, knowing he'll be happy with your decision. "since you're sooo cold... We can cuddle for a bit, okay?"

He fully turns toward you and grins, pulling you to join him under his comforter/blanket. You both shuffle around a bit, attempting to get comfortable. You push your arm under his back to hug him, turning your body to lay your arm on his chest. He presses his cheek to yours and sighs with content.

"There," you smile at him and he feels his face get just a bit warmer, staring straight into your eyes, seemingly out of it. "Happy now?"

He closes his eyes and quips, "Very."

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Author's Note: TY TO MHAmagic for the suggestion, it was very cute :) I hope you liked it!!!

I'll do my best to do as many as I can, but remember it's not guaranteed I'll write it!!!

NOW I hope you guys have an AMAZING DAY!!! I'M GOING TO BED because I'm tired :')

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