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SYNOPSIS - The one where [Name]'s stressed about a decorating event and Camilo comforts them

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SYNOPSIS - The one where [Name]'s stressed about a decorating event and Camilo comforts them. <3 ANGST! FLUFF!

This oneshot uses he/they pronouns as per request! Feel free to change them to your liking :)!

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"Holy macaroni," you mumbled to yourself, "this sucks."

Well, it doesn't exactly suck, it's tedious at best, and even though you were the one who put yourself in this position, you sometimes deeply regretted doing so.

You looked at the list of decorations you needed to pick up around town and sighed, acknowledging the many items. You were a decorations coordinator, and managed to land the head position, in charge of everyone else. It was fun sometimes but certain moments you'd wonder why you decided to put yourself through this in the first place.

As you stared at the list and made your way to the market, you didn't notice the person who's been walking by your side for around a minute now. "Um. [Name]?" You sluggishly looked to your right, meeting eyes with someone didn't know. They shapeshifted and you focused back on the list, knowing exactly who it was.

"Oh, hey Camilo. When did you get here?"

"Like, five minutes ago. I was gonna pra- you know what," he takes note of your dull demeanor, seeing how you never looked back at him when he was talking, and cut to the chase. "Nevermind. So, what're you doing?"

"I'm.. uh," you stayed distracted, weaving through the crowd, feeling Camilo hold onto your arm as to not lose you in the large gathering of people. "I'm looking for decorations for the-oh!" You spotted something you needed, dismissing your conversation with the curly haired boy and speeding towards the stand. He frowns and follows you, a bit concerned. You don't usually dismiss him, he pondered, "I wonder if he's okay?"

It went on like this for a while; Camilo would attempt conversation and you'd basically ignore him in favour of an item you found.

And in that time, Camilo became more and more worried (mixed with annoyance).

"Finally, the last thing." You payed the vendor for the goods and turned at an almost ninety degree angle towards the venue. "C'mon," you subconsciously bumped shoulders and walked even faster then before, leaving him behind again.

Camilo ignored the hurt in his chest and quickly followed behind.

Finally, the two of you reached the venue and the place was.. empty.

"Uh [Name], so I was gonna say that I can—"

"What!?" You exclaimed to nobody in particular, "Where is everyone!? We were supposed to start ten minutes ago!" You increasingly became more and more stressed, placing your hands in your face and sighing deeply. "I hate this so much,"

Camilo warily walked up to you, gently placing a hand in your shoulder. "Hey, it's ok-"

"NO IT'S NOT!" You turned towards him, anger in your eyes. "IT'S NOT OKAY! I'm so tried if having to fill in for everybody! I'm tired of nobody else putting in the same amount of work as me!" You placed your face in your hands, already regretting your words. Guilt slowly flooded over your body. You began to tear up when you heard (or didn't hear) Camilo's silence.

Camilo stood there, shocked at your outburst. He wasn't used to you raising your voice in a non-joking manner. Walking on eggshells, he spoke up and slowly went to place his arms around you, not minding the tear stains on his ruaña as you cried into him.

"..I was gonna say I can help you. You're not alone on this, [Name]."

Moments passed as you slowly calmed down and he patted your back, whispering phrases like "It's gonna be okay," and "I've got you," into your ear. "I'm sorry for yelling. I'm so stressed, and I just wanted to get this event over with." You sniffled. "I-I'm sorry for ignoring you basic-cally all day. C-can I make it up to you?"

He pulled apart and stared into your eyes, "It's okay, [Name]," he responded, "I'll think of something later." he suddenly got an idea and mulled it over in his head, pondering if he should say what he was thinking, ultimately deciding against it.

"Now c'mon! If we start now, we can get everything set up before the event starts." He smiles at you and your spirits are lifted, and you are filled with determination.

Slightly smiling back, you nod. "O-okay!" Your breath hitching from the tears before, you began giving him a rundown if what needed to be done.


The two of you finished the job as the customer came to scope the decorations before the actual event started, and of course, the two of you were let with praise. Unstoppable duo.

"¡¡Muchos gracias chamacos!!" You both let out a simultaneous "de nada" before finally walking to leave.

It was almost as if the two of you were in a cliche movie, because the sunset was just coming to an end, but you could still see the pink, orange, and red hues in the sky. The town was coming to a still as the sounds of the village quieted down. Crickets were getting ready to chirp and flower petals were arriving to a close.

Both you and Camilo walked side by side in a comfortable silence before the yellow-wearing shapeshifter spoke up. "[Nickname], I know how you can make it up to me."

"Huh?" Your brain buffered before recalling the memory. "Oh! What is it?" You turned your face towards him, awaiting his answer.

He didn't say anything as he gingerly slipped his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers.

You quickly turned away to hide your smile with your other hand, not noticing the red undertones on Camilo's face.

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Author's Note: YEA LOL

ty -BerriChanV- for requesting!!! I HOPE THIS WAS OKAY slow updates bc school 😭 OH ALSO IM CLOSING SUGGESTIONS FOR NOW IM BACKED UP :DDD


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