part nine

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karl introduced me to someone, punz.

we got along very quickly, but i wasn't as close to him as the rest of the group. as soon as karl explained what happened with sapnap and wilbur, punz hated them pretty quickly.

unlike me though, i had a pit in my stomach.

i missed sapnap. i knew it was wrong, and if i told them that they would hate me pretty quickly as well. i never acted on those feelings though.

no matter what i did at this point it would turn out bad.

me and george started to get closer again, there wasnt a tension anymore. just comfort. there wasn't sap or wilbur to mess it up again. it was good, and quiet.

unfortunately for me, i took it for granted. quackity found tweets from wilbur.

it was him and sapnap in a groupchat with someone else shit talking us nonstop.

they were laughing about it.

karl quickly called them out for it, of course they acted like it wasn't about us, but we weren't stupid. if i could pinpoint a time were i messed everything up, it would be right now.

i'm not sure how it happened, but sapnap reached out to me, asking me if we could delete the tweets.

i was blinded by love, that thing that was once a thought, quickly became reality.

i messaged karl, telling him to delete the tweet, telling him it was immature and we cant go as low as them.

i'm guessing sap told wilbur what i did, because he invited me to the group.

the mere thought of having my old friends back was euphoric.

i didnt tell karl or quackity that i was friends with them, i didnt want to loose them.

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