part fifteen

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it was only a few hours early that i received a message from george.

"this is going to sound weird but it's very complicated from my side and i just need you to listen. there were multiple times where i questioned if i might still like u yk? because you were just, always there for me no matter what and you actually loved my rambling for random things, such as my love for sea creatues, unlike some that change the topics all the time. or how you always find time to talk with me even if we're awkward. but if i'm being honest i was pushing those feelings away because you already know what happened last time and how it wouldn't work"

those last words stung, but deep down i knew it was true.

but the difference now is that i'm not in a toxic place anymore.

i don't have other feelings and all i wanted was him.

i told him how i felt and how i think we're ready, and with that, we were together again.

the thing that i felt like i was searching for, the part of me that felt as if it wasn't there. all came to light, i felt at peace. it felt as if everything suddenly made sense and life felt like it was worth living.

he was the one i needed, not sapnap, not karl.

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