Chapter 1

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My first memory when I come to the world was that of a beautiful woman smiling down at me. Her tired gaunt figure cradling me softly as she pulls me closer to her bloodied body. She whispers sweet nothings to my ear as I hear her heartbeat slowly start to stop. I felt as a man with red bloodied eyes pick me up and stare into my eyes and whispers the word beautiful. I witness how he slowly kisses the woman's eyes close as her breathing ceased.

I stayed in the chilling embrace of his cold body as he stops and places his forehead atop the woman's. I knew that if he was capable of producing tears, it would fall like a constant stream of waterfall upon his face.

And so, my first memory of the world was that of my dying mother as she was embraced one last time by my father.

We stayed like that for a few minutes when I started to get hungry and became antsy. He immediately noted my distress and brought me face to face.

"Are you hungry my love?" he asked me while he gently rocked me to soothe my cries. His eyebrows furrowed in contemplation. And gently whispers, 'what do I feed you with?'

Still carrying me in his arms he brought me to another room where he laid me down on a crib. He proceeded to leave but came back seconds later with milk on hand. He picked me up and brought a bottle filled with milk close to my mouth. I instantly latched on the bottle and started sucking which brought relief to my hunger.

"So, you can drink regular milk" my father said with a breath of relief "that's good to know."

He paused and murmured, "Do you also need blood?"

He rocked me back and forth while keeping ahold of the bottle close to my face and hummed.

"You are unique my love. The result of the love of two different species. Remember that always. We'll figure this out together." He said as he kissed my forehead.

With the rhythmic rocking and the soothing sound of his voice, my eyelids started drooping until my consciousness faded.


Claude stared at the lifeless body of the love of his love, his wife, his everything. He felt lost, grief, and fear all at once. Two weeks was all it took for his whole life to make a drastic turn. He feels like his world is slowly crumbling apart. But knowing his daughter was soundly asleep in the other room prevented him from doing untold damage.

He held the cold hands of his wife and brought it closer to his lips as he placed chaste kiss on her hand.

"I shall protect our little miracle my love. Just as I promised. We'll be okay. You can rest now." He whispered as he remembered the promise, he gave her just a mere week ago.


"You're dying my love. Please reconsider" Claude pleaded to his pale dying wife resting at their bed.

"No Claude. I have made my choice" His wife smiled sadly as she placed her hand on her ice cold cheek.

"Don't you see? This baby is the result of our undying love." She continued as she sat upright and hugged her husband who sat beside her.

"We've always wanted to have children did we not? Something we thought became impossible when you turned. Now we have the chance, or you could have the chance. This baby is our little miracle." She kissed the tip of her husband's chin.

"Promise me you'll protect her. That you'll love her as much as you have love me." She said looking imploringly at her husband's arm.

Claude looked at his wife's eyes and saw that her mind was made up and no amount of pleading will change it. He closed his eyes and hesitantly nodded his head in her direction and smiled.

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