Chapter 4

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Mirielle P.O.V

-----------(March 2003) -----------

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breathe with my nose and exhaled through my mouth. My mind had been made up for a year now. I was determined and sure to go through a life changing decision.

Yet, despite how long I've thought of doing this. It doesn't ease the anxiety I feel. Countless possible scenarios go through my mind at an accelerated rate, as I feel my heartbeat faster than usual. My hands sweating despite my continuous wiping through my pants.

I was finally ready to live a normal life. To go to school and meet people and make friends. After 20 years of life, I badly want to finally be free.

I was exhausted. Living my life always on the run. Going place to place, staying at most 6 months before leaving once again. I was not allowed to meet people, fearing that they notice I was different. That I was not one of them.

All I had was my aunt. And I loved her dearly. But there's only so much I could take knowing only her all my life.

I did all I could to forget the loneliness I feel in my heart. I've read every novel I could get my hands on, played every instrument I managed to find, tried different hobbies to distract myself, painting, drawing, photography, martial arts.

Yet it was not enough.

I neared the table next to my bed and sat on the only chair, rummaging through the drawers until I found I what I was looking for. I took the journal I treasured into my hands, looking down at the diary my father had given me. The only thing that was left to me by him. Its pages were worn and old, obviously being used and read through countless of times. I opened it to paged 86, flipping it open to the page effortlessly as I've been finding myself doing these past few months. My hands lingered at the date and place my father had encircled.

2003-2009 Forks, Washington.

If it nothing changed, the only Vampires my father knew and trusted will be there.

Of course, I wasn't sure if I could trust them myself. But they are the only option I have left. And I was set on meeting them, but I cannot tell them what I am, at least not until I knew they can be trusted, just as my father said.

The only problem left, is to convince my aunt.

"Mirielle! Can you come here please!"

My attention was instantly turned to my aunt. Closing the diary and carefully placing it back to the drawer, felt my hands shake a little. The dread I was feeling was coming back at full force. Standing up, my stomach felt queasy, and my heartbeat quickened once more.

I didn't even know why I was nervous. It was only my aunt, and I knew she would never do anything to hurt me.

Well, that was a lie. Not the part where she would never hurt but where I didn't know the reason. Because I knew. I hated confrontations and fights and arguments. And I was sure, I will have to fight for my decision.

With shaky knees, I ventured toward where I heard my aunts voice. Each step being harder to take then the last. Finding myself at the door where my aunt is, I took another deep breath. With the doorknob in hand, I twisted it open and found myself face to face with my aunt.

She had gotten noticeably older all these years. The stress of always moving shown through the small wrinkles adorned on her face. Yet, despite time not showing her mercy she still managed to look beautiful.

With a big smile on her face and cake on her hands she let out a big shout.

"Happy Birthday!" she excitedly exclaimed.

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