Chapter 5

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Forks was cold, I noticed on the first night we slept. The patter of soft rain can be heard as it fell on the roof. The cool breeze felt even with the windows closed. Despite the blanket I had with me, I preferred to feel the cold surround me. It reminded me of my father, the feel of his arms around me as he hugged me.

I took a moment to immerse in the feeling. Eyes still closed, remembering the feeling. It was morning, the sun covered by grey clouds seemingly hiding from view. It felt more like the day was already done. The urge to sleep the day away in this weather was so enticing that I took a few minutes to indulge.

With reluctance, I opened my eyes slowly taking a moment to grasp my bearings from a good's nights rest. The sound of soft steps downstairs let me know that Charlotte was awake and already preparing for the day.

With a sigh I got up from bed pausing as I hear the birds chirp outside in the forest. Standing up, tying my hair up in a bun I prepared to get ready for the day. We decided last night before going to bed that we were going out in town to buy groceries and things we needed in the house.

Remembering the plan in mind, I felt excitement course through me at the prospect of going out and seeing other people. My circumstances had made my social life near zero. The fear of being outed by either human or vampire was always a constant issue. Now, however, I can finally meet people.

Needless to say, getting ready for the day was filled with a hum of happiness. I played an upbeat music on speaker that matched my mood for the day, dancing with the beat as I showered and brushed my teeth. I then took my phone and plugged in the headset and hummed to the music playing in my ear as I went down.

"Someone's in a good mood" noticed Charlotte smiling at me as I reached downstairs. The smell of freshly fired eggs and bacon wafted through my nose making my mouth water. She laid down a plate full of the said meal at the table in front of me. Grinning at her, I approached the table closer till I reached to sit down on the table.

"You know why" I replied while reaching for the served meal and putting it on my plate. Taking a bite of the bacon, I moaned with gusto as my taste buds were assaulted with flavor. I was so thankful that I can eat and taste delicious food like a normal human. I couldn't imagine only having to live off of blood. Well, I could as it was my favorite drink, obviously. But some variety won't hurt anyone.

Charlotte hummed with confirmation as she knew what the trip to town meant for me. She felt happiness on my behalf as I get to experience something normal. Copying me, she also took a plate of food and started eating in delight.

A soft ding suddenly sounded in the kitchen as we were eating. Charlotte hearing the sound, suddenly stood up in excitement. Curios, my eyes followed her as she went to the kitchen and came back after a minute. My eyes suddenly filled with desire as it settled on the freshly baked cupcakes she was holding in her hand. Noticing the look in my eyes she gave me a wink and handed me one.

"Wow, you're the best" delight could be heard in my voice as I took the cupcake. Noticing that there were a lot more cupcakes than we can eat I asked, "Why's there so many?"

"Well, they're for our new neighbors. I've figured since we'll be staying here for some time, we could start up the family tradition me and your mom did." I was intrigued in an instant with the mention of my mother. Putting my cupcake down I focused my attention on my aunt as she spoke.

Putting the cupcakes in separate containers, she continued with the story "We used to move a lot when we were kids. And your mom was a social kid, so she decided to bake goods for every new neighbor we had. She'd always say, no matter how short of a time you get to be with people, you can make a lasting impression with them even with just one small, good deed."

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