Chapter 13

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The weekend passed by in a blur. My emotions getting the best of me as I moped around the house but making sure to pretend to be happy whenever my aunt was around. I didn't want to needlessly worry her. I was being dramatic, dating Mike shouldn't warrant me to be so sad.

Honestly, the whole week was a rollercoaster of emotions. I never thought that it would end so badly. I sniffed, feeling my eyes water, and blinking the tears away. Regret still welling inside of me. I slapped myself to reality, refusing to think about it. Forcing myself to just go with the flow.

The house was quiet, my aunt already at work. I was giddy with excitement and anxious all at once. The latter due to being unsure how to face Mike, knowing I didn't feel the same way for him, and the former because the Cullen's were finally coming back. I tapped my foot on the ground as I waited by my window, looking out the road in anticipation.

For the first time in two days, I felt a glimmer of happiness as a black Volvo driving down the road came into view. I ran down in a hurry and open the door just in time to see Edward come out of his car. Our eyes met, and I felt my heart swell with happiness seeing him after a week. I beamed at him and hurriedly closed the distance.

I tilted my head up, looking up at him as we met at the middle of the walkway. He was smiling too, hands on his pockets as he stood in front of me.

"Hi" He spoke softly to me.

"Hey" I replied, now feeling a little embarrassed at my eagerness. "Long time no see" I added, which I immediately regretted. A week really wasn't a long time, but this week certainly felt like it was.

He chuckled at that, and I softly thumped him in the arm knowing that he knew I wasn't meant to say that and that I was regretting it. He stopped, as he signaled towards his car. "Let's go?" I nodded, not wanting to embarrass myself any further.

The car ride to school was silent, my happiness slowly dying as we neared the school. Edward noticing my behavior was oddly silent as well and kept glancing at me. I knew he wanted to ask questions, but I didn't know how to bring up my current predicament to him.

Thankfully we arrived to school in peace, his siblings already there waiting for us. I felt happiness once again when I saw them. Stepping out of the car I was instantly engulfed in a cold hug. Alice's cologne distinct and familiar.

"I missed you Elle." I giggled hugging her back. Edward stood by my right, watching Alice, making sure she wasn't hugging me too tight.

"I missed you guys too" I said as we parted, smiling to the others as well, Rosalyn giving me a nod. "How was the vacation?" I asked even if I knew almost everything they did with my chats with Ed on the phone.

"It was great!" Alice exclaimed happily, as she held both my hands. "I have souvenirs!"

I winced at that, remembering what Edward had told me. "Oh, you didn't have to Alice" I said still smiling.

"Oh, but I wanted to" I felt my sweat drop at that and chuckled to myself. Expecting as much from her.

Suddenly, I felt new arms fall in my shoulder. I tensed and looked at my left to see Mike, smiling tensely. I looked back at the Cullen's and saw that they were a bit surprised at the sudden new addition. From my peripheral, Edward looked odd, brows furrowed, mouth in a frown, and eyes dark.

"There you are Elle! Good morning." He said smiling brightly at me, his hands still around my shoulder. I replied with a good morning awkwardly as I stepped to the side feeling slightly uncomfortable, not used to the action. Everyone watched us, confusion evident on their faces. Mike, not commenting on the space I put between us, looked at the Cullens watching us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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