Chapter 3

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Mirielle continued growing at an alarming rate. Only 1 year has passed since she was born, and already she was the size of a toddler. Physically and mentally, she was the same as that of a 3-year-old toddler. Already she has learned to walk, run, and play around. She would talk to her father in full sentences and was a curious girl.

She was always asking questions and wondering why her father and aunt was different from each other. Not only does she grow up fast, but she was also a smart and observant child. She noticed her father was faster and stronger, that he didn't eat like her and her aunt. He smelled different and was always cold when being held by him. Claude didn't want to lie to her, and so told her the truth. He wanted her to know the differences as soon as possible. He knew that hiding the truth from her can endanger her life.

Mirielle was told she was half human and half vampire. However, she still doesn't understand what that meant. Toddlers are curious beings, exploring the world is how they grow. But she was growing too fast, and they know people would notice. Thus, they would live in places where the population was always too few and neighbors were far from each other. She never met other people aside from her aunt and father.

Unfortunately, this led to her to crave for freedom and human interaction. She was getting antsy the past few months, throwing tantrums as she begged to be let outside. Claude was saddened for her daughter, for she won't have a normal childhood. So, he found himself agreeing with her, deciding to bring him with her to hunt outside the forest where people never go in.

Claude decided to teach her how to hunt animals. Although Mirielle was able to eat normally, he was unsure whether she needed blood to survive. He wanted to make sure he taught her to drink from animals instead of humans to prevent what happened with her aunt when she was young. He also hoped that one day she would stop growing and it can help her see others as peers and not food.

Truthfully, Claude also suspected she had a gift. When he planned to let Mirielle come with him to hunt, he realized how long he had gone without the urge to feed. He went a full month feeling no urge and his eyes remained the same color. He thought that he was just getting better at handling his bloodlust, but he realized that control and not feeling the urge at all are different things.

The next day he decided to test a theory and went to the forest, as he went further away from home, the urge to drink became even greater. When he neared Mirielle, the less his bloodlust had become. He was unsure whether this was a trait half breeds had, or if it were a gift. Hence, another reason why they were in the forest the next day.

They trekked through the forest with Mirielle in his hand, Mirielle looked around the forest in wonder and awe.

"Look daddy, a bird" she would exclaim as her hand points to a bird perched on tree. Claude would smile at her adoringly and would chuckle at her excitement.

Not too soon, they were far in enough that no humans were to stumble on them. He saw a small clearing barren of trees. The sun was glaring at full, its light shining through showing the high grass and the beauty of nature, clearly untouched by people.

"Why don't we go over there, little miracle?" he pointed at the clearing. Mirielle looked over the place he was pointing to, and her little face was scrunched in confusion.

"Sunny" she said confused as she knew his father said they weren't allowed in the sun. Claude smiled at her confused faced.

"Yes, it's sunny, don't worry daddy will be fine, there's no one around." He smiles brightly at her and she smiled back.

"Okay" she beamed.

As they got closer Claude looked over his shoulder making sure no one was around. Hearing no sounds of life from miles away, he stepped into the sun. He saw the familiar glitter of his skin as it was hit by the sun's rays. If he didn't suspect Mirielle had a gift, he would think nothing as there was barely a difference. However, he knew that he didn't glow as much as before, it was barely noticeable. This however, further cemented his belief that Mirielle had a gift, but certain factors were still a mystery.

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