Chapter 11

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I should've asked for her number. Was the first thought that came to mind as the weekend came. It's not like I have a phone though. It had always been me and Aunt Charlotte and never saw the need to have one. The upcoming outing with Alice occupying my mind. It was one thing going out with her, but with Rosalie? It was no secret she didn't like me much. Her eyes would always follow me whenever we were in the same room. And suffice to say, they were not filled with curiosity.

Feeling the heavy pit in my stomach, I could feel my heart beating out of my chest, the sweat pooling in my palms. I stood up and took another glance at the mirror at the corner of my room for nth time.

As soon as I woke up, I had prepared for the dress shopping, baking treats, picking out my outfit, even thinking of things to talk about with Rosalie. As soon as I finished though, I realized I didn't get or give any details. I didn't know what time we were going and if they knew my address.

It was safe to say, that did not contribute well to ease my nervousness.

Ugh why'd you invite them without a plan Elle? Do they even know where you live? What time are they going to arrive?

Stopping myself from overthinking once again, I went down to the kitchen, not even attempting to draw knowing I'd be too distracted. I glanced at the cupcakes I planned on giving them, counting them, making sure they still looked okay. I glanced at the clock - something I've done all day - and noted it was a bit over 1.

I felt my soul almost leave my body when a sudden car honk sounded outside. Quickly walking towards the window, I parted the blinds to see Alice waving at me. I quickly smiled and ran back, taking my bag and the cupcakes.

I hurried towards the car, not wanting them to wait too long. As I neared, Alice stepped out of the car and walked towards me.

"Hey Elle, Lets go, I'm so excited!" she said and hugged me. I hugged her back, smiling at her, my nerves slightly feeling okay.

"Me too!" I exclaimed in as much enthusiasm I could muster. She released me and opened the door at the back of the car.

Sliding inside, I felt my heart once again race as I see Rosalie in the driver's seat. Mustering all the bravery I could, I greeted her with a smile. "Hi! I'm Mirielle, you must be Rosalie"

She glanced at me through the rear-view mirror and simply nodded. Not pushing my luck, I continued smiling and almost sighed in relief as Alice quickly sat in the car and turned towards me.

"So, do you have any idea what kind of dress you want Elle" she asked me as Rosalie drove away. Thanking my luck that Alice was a conversationalist, I answered honestly.

"Not really, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to wear, I was hoping you could help me with that."

"Don't worry, you're in good hands, Now I'm thinking Black for the color. What do you think Rose?"

Rosalie glanced up once again to the rearview mirror and made eye contact with me. After a brief pause, her eyes went back to the road. "Green" she simply said, while Alice looked her way contemplatively.

"You think so?" she hummed, "Well we'll know for sure when we get there and once, she tries some on"

"So where are we going?" I asked curiously as I saw us pass by the nearest and only dress shop in Forks.

"Port Angeles, just about an hour away. Honestly, I wanted to go to Seattle, because you know, more shops, but it might be too far away for you." I nodded and smiled sheepishly.

"A bit" I said. I looked down and remembered the cupcakes I had baked for them packed in a paper bag. "Oh, I got these for you guys, as thanks for agreeing to come with me" I told Alice as I handed her the cupcakes.

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