Chapter 12

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I didn't know if Jessica didn't believe me, or if she just took the chance of a small possibility that Edward would say yes. All I knew was she was rejected and had been ranting for the past 30 minutes about what happened.

She came in the cafeteria, red faced, mouth turned in a frown. Her feet stomped as she approached, and bag was not so gently placed on the table. We all quietened as she took a sit, Mike and Eric not saying anything despite a heated conversation mere moments ago. Angela, being the kind soul that she is, was the first to ask what had gotten her upset.

"What happened?" she asked facing Jessica as the latter fumed. Jessica scoffed before answering.

"Apparently, Edward's too good for anybody here." She said in a sneer. My ears perked at that, and my interest was piqued. The mention of Edward made me turn my head in her direction.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. I wonder what Edward could have said to her to make her upset like this. I can't imagine him saying anything that bad.

"You know how you're taking Mike to homecoming right?" I nodded at her agreeing and urging her to continue. "Well, I thought, since you're the only one who're friends with them, he might feel left out If no one asks him, so I decided I'll ask him." What? My head tilted to the side in confusion.

"I told you they aren't attending though" I asked, a little perplexed.

"Wait... 'they'? All of them? Why?" Eric asked suddenly from the table, also listening intently to the whole conversation.

"Yeah, they told me they were going on a small vacation overseas" Eric slumped his head in the table, groaning in disappointment.

"Why are YOU interested?" Mike asked Eric. Looking up from the table, Eric sighed and cradled his head sighing.

"I was going to ask Alice to the dance" Mike chortled a little and lightly pushed Eric, who yelped and let out a 'hey!'

"Please, You? Not a chance dude. I bet you won't even get the courage to ask." Mike teased Eric. A little mean in my opinion, but I slightly agree. Afterall, Alice already has Jasper. Not that anyone knew yet or anything.

"Hey! I so would!" Eric indignantly and looked away, seeming like he was convincing himself of that too. Jessica rolled her eyes at them and crossed her arms and turned to me.

"I thought he was just saying that to you as an excuse or something." Jessica looked petulant as she hmphed, crossing her arms together, lips in a tight frown. Beside her, Angela looked thoughtful and carefully considered her words.

"Don't be too mad Jess, I mean, it looks like they already have plans beforehand," Angela – who lived up to her name – said to Jessica, patting her back in comfort.

"Yeah, sure. But the way he said it felt like I was being ridiculed for even asking." She snapped, eyes still angry. I sipped from my water bottle, unsure how to react. What do you exactly do when two of your friends were angry at one another or rather one was mad at the other?

When did this even happen? Was it before my class with Edward? He didn't look any different, at least nothing to indicate an altercation of some kind.

"What did he say exactly?" I asked, my eyes subtly glancing at Edward and quickly back at Jessica, noticing that he was looking at me, or maybe just our way. We didn't make eye contact, right? I winced internally, is he listening in? What's he thinking right now?

"I saw him walking to class, right? So, I went up to him and asked if he'd go to homecoming with me, and then he was like," Jessica suddenly sat up straight, inhaled, and with a slightly deeper voice, and said, "No, thank you" obviously trying to mimic Edward's voice and then continued in her normal voice, "and then with no explanation or reason given whatsoever, he just walked away."

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