Chapter 2

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Celeste my love,

It has only been 3 months, yet I cannot express how much I miss you dearly, how I hope you were here with us. Maybe then you'll be able to ease my worries for our daughter. Our little miracle is growing up fast my love, maybe too fast. I fear that she will continue to grow up and that my time with her will be far too short. I wonder if this is because she was supposed to be impossible and so her body is trying to correct the anomaly. I do not know, and I hope it is not so.

A day after she was born, she was already able to lift her head. In a matter of 1 week, she had begun walking. We have an adventurer my love, she loves to wander all over the house and gives her aunt a freight quite often. She's a free spirit, so much like you. She's 3 months old now, she had gotten bigger almost like she was a year old. Every day I see her look much more like you. I wish you could see her.

Aside from her growth speed. I have been monitoring closely and noting anything different traits she has compared to regular humans and vampires. She can consume human food and is able to live from it. However, I also discovered that she could drink blood as well. She somehow managed to get into the blood supplies I had for you when you were pregnant. I found her one day drinking on one of the blood bags while I went to talk with Charlotte for a second. I discovered she preferred blood over regular food. Thankfully she is able to control her thirst for blood and we have modified her diet to give her some small amounts. I noticed that after consuming blood, like vampires, her eyes would have specks of red. Although still brown in color and can only be noticed if focused on too much.

She inherited a few vampire traits aside from her diet. It turns out she is faster and stronger than a human but weaker than a regular vampire. Her skin was paler but not as pale. Curiously, I went out in the sun with her one day, and although she was almost glowing, it was barely noticeable unlike the shining skin of my own.

I fear that if a vampire comes across her, they may think she is that of an immortal child. I have been told by my sire that there are laws created by the Volturi that banned the creation of immortal children. They may try to kill me and our daughter for this reason, so Charlotte and I decided to keep her hidden in fear of discovery.

I contemplated telling my sire and ask him about Mirielle as maybe he'll know more. Although I know he's trustworthy, I don't know if I can trust him enough with the life of our miracle. I just want to be cautious; I don't know who we can trust.

There are a lot more things we do not know of Mirielle. I hope I would be enough to keep her safe. I cannot lose her too, and so shortly after I just lost you.

I miss you my love

Claude closed Celeste's diary, one she kept and where she wrote to him when he was gone training to control his bloodlust. He sighed and leaned against the chair as his mind filled with worry for his daughter. Everything about Mirielle is an enigma. They lack the information they needed to properly prepare. He worries he will run out of time in any moment.

He was thinking of different possibilities when a sudden crash and scream downstairs made him snap out of concentration. His body was instantly filled with dread as different scenarios passed through his mind.

Rushing downstairs, he was suddenly appalled by the sight greeted before him. There in middle sat Charlotte with her bleeding hand cradled to her chest with shards of glass littered all around her, close to her sat a terrified Mirielle who had blood running down her mouth and was crying hysterically.

Claude didn't know what to do, he was terrified. They both knew it were possible. Mirielle showed characteristics close to that of a vampire, however they didn't think that her bloodlust was dominant enough. Now they paid the price.

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