Chapter 10

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I stared at the oven filled with chocolate chip cookies, waiting for it to cook. My mind, however, was elsewhere. Particularly toward a brooding vampire that may possibly be bipolar. He was confusing. He treated me so nicely, I had thought we had even become friends. I guess it was just me.

I sighed, turning my head away from the baked goodies to sit on the sofa just across the kitchen. I melted into the sit closing my eyes as my head was still foggy. Going to bed late and waking up early is never pleasant. And although I can stay up without rest for days, it still irritates me whenever I only have few hours of sleep.

The small sound of footsteps alerted me of Charlotte waking up and making her way down. I opened my one eye to greet her as she came into view. Hair already fixed and ready to start the day. The slight falter in her steps showed that she was surprised when she saw me already awake. She knew I loved my sleep.

"Morning Aunt Charlotte" I greeted her as I sat up properly.

"You're up early." She noted sending a curious glance my way. She sniffed the air, smelling the sweet cookies I had been baking. "Smells delicious. What's the occasion?" She asked as she saw the oven and the table already filled with breakfast. She sat down and started to fill a plate with pancakes, moaning in gusto as the flavor hit her mouth.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to cook you breakfast for once. And I'm taking the cookies with me to share with my friends at school." I told her smiling at her delight of my cooking.

I really was going to share the cookies with my friends. However, I had another ulterior motive. If Edward Cullen didn't want to be friends with me, then I'll make sure Alice and Jasper would. Right now, I was planning on 'bribing' her with food and trying harder to be friends. After all, Edward's not the only Cullen I could befriend. Though I was still sad of the development, I still shouldn't stop from trying to gain the other's trust and getting to know them.

"That's nice. I'm glad you're making friends." Charlotte smiled at me. Warmth spread in my heart as happiness seeped into my being. I couldn't help but be happy at the thought.

"I'm glad you're making friends too Aunt Charlotte" I said as I stood up from the sofa to hug her. She patted my back and kissed my cheek as I separated from her and sat down beside her.

She had become fast friends with Charlie and with her co-workers at the hospital. She was livelier than before and smiled more often. Even as we had each other for year, both of us had felt lonely.

As she had her breakfast, she told stories of her experience so far in the hospital while I waited for the cookies to be done. "So, what about you? Anything exciting." She asked as she realize that only she had been doing the talking. I thought of what to say remembering what had happened yesterday. Not the part about Edward though.

"Well, Homecoming's coming soon. Mike asked me to go with him." I said getting excited for my first school event. I was already looking forward to the day and for the memories I'll gain.

She gasped in excitement and grinned. "The boy you said that was accompanying you to town often?" I nodded and she squealed getting more excited. "Oooh, that means you'll need a dress. Here go to town with one of your friends and buy something okay?" She said handing me money she pulled out from her pocket. Taking the money, I thanked her wholeheartedly.

A beep sounded form the oven as the cookies had finished. I put them carefully in a container and in my bag as Charlotte finished her breakfast. We both finished cleaning up before heading out. In the car I was anxiously holding my bag that held the cookies hoping my friends would like it.

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