Chapter 8

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Various thoughts from people filtered through my mind, unknown eyes followed us as we went out of the car at the parking lot of our new school. Their voices seemingly loud, yet their mouths remained closed. Each of them filled with the same school of thought.


"Wow, They're so hot"

"He is so my type"

"Are they models?"


"I know that car, it's an expensive model woah"

"They look rich"

Sometimes, just random things.

"Sh*t, I farted, I hope nobody noticed"

We did. But the stench is overpowered by the hundreds of sweaty teenagers flitting about the lot, the outside air spreading the smell. Yet everything is easier to ignore now.


Not ignore.


Years of blending in with humans had never been easy. We've learned how to control ourselves and tolerate the bloodlust. Each year filled with kids pumped with hormones. Various accidents happen and murders have been prevented thanks to Alice's visions.

"6 new students this year? Since when were we famous?"

I paused at that thought. 6? There were only 5 of us. Alice had not mentioned a new student aside from us. Or maybe it wasn't worth mentioning. The thought still made me worry.

I concentrated on his thoughts once more, trying to gain more information.

"She's as pretty as them too. I wonder if they're related or if she knows them."

A vampire's charm is nothing to be scoffed at. No human can compare to the allure a vampire possess. As if a predator attempting to lure in their prey. For him to compare this girl with us brought alarm bells to ring in my head.

Subtlety turning my head to my right, I whispered to Alice who was beside Jasper.

"Alice, have you seen anyone new aside from us?"

Her eyes met mine and she nodded. Our siblings noticing my question stopped and tuned in our conversation. Rosalie was irritated for the possibility of a problem arising and we hadn't even entered yet. I ignored her and focused on Alice.

"Yes, she works with Carlisle at the hospital" Her brows knitted in confusion at my question. She remembered she had mentioned her before. She knows as she makes sure anybody who will interact with them were not a danger to them. "Why Edward? What did you hear?"

I shook my head remembering her, but she wasn't who I was talking about. "No, a new student."

My worry increased as she shook her head no. "I didn't see anyone besides us."

"Are you sure? I heard someone thought of a new girl aside from us. He says she's as pretty as us"

"Are you suggesting another vampire is here with us Edward?" Rosalie interrupted, worry evident in her voice. Vampires aside from us going to school was rare, but not impossible. Usually, 1 or 2 students would always end up missing. And with difference in diet, we tend to stay away from the others, opting to take advantage of Alice's gift.

"Alice?" she turned towards Alice in hopes of getting her answers.

"I really don't see anyone." Jasper gently took hold of Alice's hand and pulled her closer to his body. He drew circles on her back and used his gift to calm everybody down.

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