Chapter 6

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It was our second month in Forks when the Cullen's had arrived. Just as we did, news of their arrival spread quick. For such a small town such as Forks, word travel fast. Having families move in the town was rare. So it was to no surprise that people were interested of the two families having arrived the same year when they barely get one at all.

My aunt had found a job at the Forks hospital, it was there that she heard of the news. Of course, they had anticipated this. However, it was still nerve wrecking knowing that someone may find out their secret.

Her coworkers had asked her whether they knew this family and if they were related. She said no, of course, as it would be odd because the Cullen's do not know who they were. They had believed her and laughed at the "coincidence" of two families moving in town in the same year.

After hearing of the news from my aunt, I had stopped going out in town. Pausing my weekly visit in town to take pictures in fear of meeting them too soon. I wasn't sure how to approach them yet, and how I will know whether they can be trusted. But a plan came to mind when it was mentioned how the Cullen's had five kids enrolling in Forks. I decided there and then that I would befriend them and get to know them.

My aunt, however, didn't have a choice. Carlisle had applied as a doctor in the same hospital she had worked at. As coworkers they would often see each other considering the small town and the small number working in the said hospital. So far, she had said that Carlisle seemed nice enough, but it was too early to tell whether it was only a front.

And as the following days had passed and September arriving soon, I had become anxious. I distracted myself by painting my emotions in a canvas. Sometimes, I would play the violin and play the tune my father had hummed as a lullaby when I had been young. It kept me from thinking too much and fainting from agitation.

Soon I find myself buckling my seat, my aunt next to me doing the same as she was taking me to school. Classes would start a little later for me, but she was my only ride to school, and her shift starts early. It will give me some time to explore the school and maybe take some photos of the surrounding area.

"Wow, you're first day of school. Are you nervous?" My aunt asked successfully gaining my attention. I nodded, my stomach fluttering at the excitement of getting to experience a normal high school education, and fear of the vampires realizing what I am and what their reaction might be.

"You'll be fine. Just be yourself and enjoy." She said smiling at me reaching out with her other hand to squeeze my thighs in comfort. I let out a small breath and smiled at her, trying to calm my beating heart.

The journey to school felt fast as I find myself getting dropped off at the front. My aunt kissed my cheeks and gave me a long hug, releasing me she looked at me with warmth and adoration in her glossy eyes "Be careful, okay? I love you"

"Are you crying?" I asked shocked. I had never seen my aunt cry; she was a strong woman and rarely showed weakness.

"Oh, don't blame, someone must be cutting onions here." She said wiping away the small tear that fell and laughed a little. "Its just that, I'm so happy for you" she said hugging me once more. I stayed in her embracing, feeling the warmth of her body as I smiled.

"Thank you, Aunt Charlotte, for everything."

Letting go, I got down from the car and gave a wave goodbye. "Love you"

Getting a wave back, she sent me a flying kiss and I watched as she drove away until the car was out of my view. Clutching my satchel in my heads I looked towards the school, seeing kids already arriving. Retrieving my schedule, I explored the school grounds finding my classrooms as I do so, memorizing the layout of the school. I ignored the stares I was receiving from the others as I took pictures of the area.

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