Chapter 7

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It was dark, rain was pouring down, thunder could be heard of in the distance and nearing, getting louder by the second. I find myself in the middle of the forest. Alone, confused, and scared. A snap of a twig suddenly echoed. My head turning to the sound.


"Anybody there? Aunt Charlotte?"

Suddenly, from the shadows of the tree line emerged Edward Cullen, eyes onyx black. He was glaring at me with hatred and disgust. I stepped back in fear but bumped into a hard cold body. I turned around swiftly, immediately coming face to face with Jasper, the same expression painted on his face.

One by one, four more vampires emerged, slowly nearing me, like a predator preparing to pounce at a prey.

"What do you want?" I asked, voice wavering, fear apparent in my voice.

"To kill you" my whole body was now shaking in fear, drenched in the rain as they approached closer.

"Why?" I couldn't help asking.

"You're a threat to our existence" Rosalie said to my side, equally as menacing as the others despite her ethereal looks.

"I'm not, I promise. Please. I'm like you" I begged as tears fall from my eyed.

"You're not" Edward now close to me holding out his hand near my neck. "You're an abomination." As he gripped my neck tightly and opened his mouth, showing his razor-sharp fangs.

I awoke abruptly, sweat running down my face as I sat up breathing heavily. I looked around and saw I was still in my room, no vampires in sight. The sun was still set, the clock red 4:30. I closed my eyes bringing my knees closer to my chest as I tried to slow my breathing.

Meeting the Cullen's, and knowing that they were wary of me, had increased my trepidation. I was anxious and I find myself thinking of them so often. My father trusted Carlisle, he said that they were good people. But my fear stemmed from the fact that aside from my father, I knew no other vampire aside from the one who caught us that day.

I shook myself of negative thoughts. I was overthinking again, and I knew it was the reason for the dream. Despite this I couldn't help myself, I didn't know them after all. I just hope that the were trustworthy, if not, at least for them not to figure out what I was. I fear not just for my safety, but for my aunt's as well. After all, humans weren't allowed to know the existence of vampires.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep anymore, I stood up to prepare early. I paused, however, as I smelled something different. Someone had been in my room. I tried not to panic as I proceeded to pretend as if everything was normal. Making myself a hot chocolate, I sat down by my table and began to sketch.

Remembering of their conversation yesterday, I concluded, this must have been part of their "observation". I hoped that they will not see me as a threat. With my whole being, I wanted to continue my time here. Yesterday was a dream come true for me, and I really liked the people I met.

I made a mental note to myself to act as normally as I can for the week, or at least until I knew that they didn't see me as a threat anymore. I also had to tone down my fear of them, it would be suspicious if I was scared of them without knowing them.

Just pretend they're humans. They were once humans too, and the fact that they chose to be vegetarians despite the blood thirst, speak a lot of their morality. With the new optimistic thought, I strengthened my resolve.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard laughter outside. Standing from my seat, I neared my window and peaked outside. There I saw Charlotte talking with Charlie and laughing. I smiled knowing I wasn't the only one who had made a friend in this town.

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