Chapter 9: Calvin ain't stupid...he's an Idiot.

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Calvin wants to help Henry get away from Dominic cause he knows Henry don't love him. However, Calvin is being an idiot and messing things causing Dominic do something drastic.

Some time later, Calvin was walking to the forest that he caught Henry and Dominic kissing two months ago, he grumbled as kept walking to the forest. Why was Henry with that...prick? He doesn't even know him, Calvin could tell that he was a pretentious dick. How did Henry meet him? Why did Henry immediately jump on Dominic? He could do someone better than Charles or Rupert, heck even he will be better match than that douchebag.

He got to the forest and searched around the forest. All he see was trees, rocks, and dirt. And he saw tiny rocks, tiny branches, plants, and flowers. He then heard a sound, he turned around to find Henry and Dominic. He glared at Dominic who held Henry's hand, Henry blushed red as Dominic took his hand. 

Dominic sensed there was someone watching them, he turned around and found Calvin Bukowski staring at them. He noticed that he was giving the death glare at him but not to Henry, Henry was confused on why Dominic was not looking at him, he turned to where Dominic was staring at. His eyes widened when he saw Calvin staring at them coldly, what's Calvin doing here?

"Do you mind?" said Dominic, lowly. "We're a little busy here."

Calvin stared at Dominic in anger while Henry nervously watched them, "Well...fuck off." said Dominic, frustrated.

"Well, excuse me but I have no matters." growled Calvin, he flipped the bird at Dominic. "Besides, I need to talk to Henry...alone."

That got Henry's attention, Calvin wants to talk to him? What for? Henry glanced at Calvin and then to Dominic, Dominic did not look happy at all. 

" to Henry...alone." said Dominic, annoyed. "Heh."

Calvin still glared at Dominic who returned the feeling, "Who am I not to leave my to your "dear" friend." said Dominic, smirking at Calvin.

Henry was hesitated at first but Dominic insisted he did, "Come on, Henry...go with the dog." said Dominic. "I'll be waiting here, patiently."

"Hen...come on." ordered Calvin, seriously. 

" it necessary?" asked Henry, anxiously.  

"Oh's very important...come on." replied Calvin, lowly. He took Henry away from Dominic, Dominic watched them as they walked away from him.

Calvin and Henry walked to a secluded area not far from Dominic, Calvin turned to see if he could see Dominic but didn't. Calvin then glanced at Henry who was nervous about this, Henry was playing with his hoodie strings as looked down at his boots. Apparently, they were the most interesting thing ever. Calvin grumbled as he watched Henry, he put a hand to his face.

"Why?" asked Calvin, lowly.

"Calvin...please...don't be mad at me." pleaded Henry.

"Of course, I'm mad!" exclaimed Calvin, angrily. "How can you be with that jerk!?"

"Of all people...a douche!" he continued while yelling, still angrily. "Not even a chick!"

Henry was trembling when Calvin started scolding him, he also saw Calvin's facial expression...he looked pissed. He also felt tears brimming in eyes as he was watching Calvin yelled at him, "This is going too's time to stop-" started Calvin, but stopped when he saw Henry's expression.

He was crying.

"Calvin...please stop." begged Henry, voice wavered.

Calvin did as he was told and stopped, he felt sadness and pity for him. He didn't mean to be angry but he just wanted to help Henry. He and Rupert need both of his help, he noticed that they have been...having trouble lately. He wants to help Rupert and Henry He then heard Henry sniffled, he glanced at Henry who was silently sobbing. 

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