Chapter 11: A New Realization

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Henry's dads took Henry back to their home while Rupert has a new feeling about himself and Henry. Konrad, Dave, and Johnny try to help him but they found something that shock them.

Henry was in the medical bay, waiting for his parents to come take him home. He's so screwed now. Charles, Victoria, and Ellie now know his...issue. He didn't want anyone to know about his problem but now they know, Henry closed his eyes as he kept coughing. He was given a bucket that filled with his blood and flower petals, the petals are starting to turned into actual flowers but small.

Charles was with him while Victoria and Ellie were still in the storage room, Charles stared at Henry in worry. Charles went up to Henry while he was having an crisis, Henry glanced up at him in sadness. Charles gently hugged him and it made Henry cry again, Charles whispered comforting words to him while he kept sobbing. Charles was at a loss, Henry needs help but how?

Two figures came rushing in with Galeforce, they did not look happy at all. Terrence Suave and Randy Radman were former Toppat leaders that "retired"  their positions, and decided to live a normal life. They went over to Henry while Charles went to the General, the General already explained to them what's going on with Henry. They want to take Henry home with them but Charles doesn't want them to, Galeforce allowed them to take Henry home.

Henry said goodbye to Charles but promised to keep in contact, they all went home while Charles decided to researched what's going with Henry. He was shock on what he just found, Henry has hanahaki disease. It's caused by one-sided love and the only way to cure it if the one sided love is returned, Charles thought back to what happened between Rupert and Henry. They sure have been having trouble can't be! Charles started to panic as he kept thinking, does Henry have feelings for Rupert?

Oh no.

Meanwhile with Rupert, he was not having a good day. He was having a shitty day, he was walking in the forest for sometime now. He was walking aggressively with a cigarette still in his mouth, he then stopped walking. He stood there while thinking on what just happened earlier, with Henry.

Rupert's POV

Fuck...Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

I looked at my hand who had some blood.... Henry's blood.

I remembered what he said to me, "I hate you! I hate you! he said to me. ""Rupert! You're hurting me! Please stop!"

"I....ngh.." I said to myself as I squeezed my hand, I was starting to get angry again. I saw a tree and starts punching it.

"AAAGGGHH!!!!! AHHH! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!!!!!" I screamed as I punched the tree. I was punching it for 10 min then I got tired ... really tired. I was panting really hard as I began feeling sad. 

"M-mama... it hurts...."

I gasped as I said that, my eyes then widened as I remembered a memory from my childhood...with my mother. It was a couple years before she left me....


A young Rupert Price came in covered in scratches and bruises, "Mom! Ah!" he cried, in pain.

His mother came in and gasped on the state Rupert was in, his mother was a very pretty woman; she had long black hair, while her eyes were a sparkling  blue, and she was petite unlike her husband. Her name was Rita Price and she was the most wonderful person you'll ever meet.

"Oh my god! What happened" she asked, in worry.

"I... I....I... I got into a fight with brothers of the girl I liked." Rupert answered. "I told her my feelings for her but she then called me a dummy."

"She kept insulting me so...  I pushed her... then her brothers came in started to beat me up!" he continued, still upset.

 "Rupert! That's not very nice! No matter what people say, you don't solve it with violence!" Rita scolded her son. "Didn't i told you about that?"

"Yes but... she didn't have too be that mean!" replied Rupert, sadly.  "I really liked her.... Mom... will someone ever love me?"

Rita felt sadness for her son, how could he asked that? Rita stared at her son for a moment... then she picked him up and hugged him. She hugged him tightly as Rupert hugged her back tightly, she lifted his chin up gently to make him glanced up at her.

"Of course, Rupert! There will be someone who will love you..." Rita smiled. "But now you're a still a child. Take it easy! When the person comes to your life, you will feel it in your heart."

"You will feel the need to be next to that person and your eyes will be filled with love all the time..." Rita continued, still smiling. "Don't rush it to feel it, Rupert... Maybe that person will be already around you and you don't have idea!"

Flashback ends

After the flashback ended, I smiled faintly as I remembered my mother's words.  

I then got a flashback when I first met Henry...when I saw first I hated him cause he was criminal who gave me, Dave, and Johnny a lot of trouble. Of course, it all came into a head when I fucked Henry and took his virginity in the process.

After that day...I felt something in my heart.... not hate or lust.

"My diamond... My beautiful little diamond... I..." I said that to myself as I started to tear up.
"I failed you... you... you hate me now..."

"I hurt you... I... yelled... I ... made you cry... my little love... I didn't want to do it..." I said as I put my hand around my chest and grip it where my heart was. "Because... my heart hurts? It feels cold... no... I don't feel good at all... I feel so lonely... so empty..."

"I...Henry." I wavered, loudly. I started sobbing softly and I put my face into my hands, I hate feeling vulnerable. I was so busy having a crisis that I didn't hear footsteps coming towards me.

No One's POV

Rupert felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around to find Konrad, Dave, and Johnny staring at him in worry. Rupert was surprised they were here, he quickly wiped his eyes but they had already saw the tears. He glanced at them and suddenly realized something...where's Calvin? 

" did you-?" asked Rupert, in confusion. But he was interrupted by Konrad.

 "I have thought that you would be here...guess I was right." answered Konrad.

"Victoria told us what happened earlier." added Dave.

"What happened between you and Henry and why were you hurting him?" questioned Johnny.

Rupert froze for moment, he's not sure if he should tell them but what else does he have to lose? He then told them what happened between him and Henry while also telling them what Calvin told him. He also debated if he should tell them about his tryst with Henry back when he was working at the police force, well...they did know about everything else.

The reactions were a bit mixed...Konrad and Dave were shock upon his confession while Johnny nodded as he was proud on the fact that Rupert got laid without getting caught, and with a criminal no less!

"Well...that was intense." said Konrad, after hearing the entire story.

"But it still doesn't change the fact that you hurt him!" bellowed Dave.

"Yeah, I know." murmured Rupert, feeling remorse and regret.

They all stood there and there was a heavy silence until Rupert searched everyone again, "Hey Konrad, where's Calvin?" he asked.

"I don't know." replied Konrad, suspiciously.

"Hey what's that?" asked Johnny. He was pointing at a tree that had something tied around it.

They went to go check it out and gasped as they saw what or who it was, it was Calvin.

He looked beaten and he had blood on his face and head, he was still alive but unconscious.

Konrad and Rupert screamed, "CALVIN!!!"

A/N: Yup, it's gonna get a lot worse.

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