Chapter 21: An Epiphany

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While Henry is still unconsciousness, Calvin and Rupert talk about what has happen these past few weeks. Then Calvin reveals something very important to Rupert...

After he said that to Rupert, he calmed down for a bit. He didn't want to stress Rupert out even more enough then already he is. 

"Don't look indignant." Calvin said as Rupert sighed sadly and tiredly.

"Meh... I think Henry's dad; Terrence Suave, was too soft... " Rupert said as he put his hand on his face. "In fact, I needed more."

Rupert then took a chair and sit on it beside Henry. He glanced at Henry in sadness, he saw that he had a tear in his closed eye.

"No... has he opened his eyes?" Rupert asked as he wiped Henry's tear away.

"Nah...sometimes he complains but he does nothing but sleep." Calvin replied lowly.

Calvin then glanced at Rupert whom was staring at Henry.
"And said your name... " he thought.

"Ugh... I'm disgusted by what I'm going to say to him." Calvin thought as he grumbled to himself.

"Rupert, I... I'm sorry I didn't tell you before this fucking shit. " Calvin apologized as he felt guilty.

"I thought I was doing Henry a favor. But if I had taken action on the matter, he would not...." he continued as Rupert's hand was still on Henry's cheek.

Rupert scoffed as he chuckled sadly, "You? Even if you would have told me, I would have ruined it anyway." he smiled, as he sighed in sadness. "I'm stupid."

"True, you are stupid." Calvin replied, rudely but Rupert didn't care but he felt bit awkward. He privately thought he deserved the rude tone Calvin just gave him, but didn't vocally admit it.

"I allowed this to happen because...I was destroying him...he didn't give me the idea that I was THE reason he became so distant... " Rupert explained sadly feeling guilt and shame as he looked at Henry sadly. "But it gave me anxiety and panic...he didn't tell me what was happening to, and in my desperation... "

Rupert was starting to get a bit angry as his hand was still on Henry's cheek.

"I took out the most detestable person, my selfish self...the one I hated the most in this world."

Rupert then remember what he did to Henry and his words. He beat and almost killed him. He put his face into his other hand in frustration, he was so fucked now.

Calvin watched Rupert as he was self-loathing about him and what happened to Henry, he  debated if he should tell Rupert about the other important thing he needs to know about Henry. But then has to tell Rupert what's going on with Henry. 

"Rupert.... " Calvin murmured, as Rupert glanced at him in concern. "There's something else you should know..."

This got RUPERT'S attention, what else?

"Henry..... has Hanahaki disease."

Rupert stared at Calvin in shock and confusion, what did Calvin say?"

".... WHAT?" Rupert said, in shock as his eyes widen in fear.

"Yeah...he had feelings for you from the start." Calvin admitted, sheepishly as he started to explain to Rupert about everything.

Calvin explained to Rupert about how he first discovered Henry's feelings for Rupert, his Hanahki disease, his plan to leave the Government, his encounter with Dominic, etc. Rupert was feeling more and more guilt as he felt his heart dropped. After Calvin finished explaining things to Rupert, he glanced at him in worry and Rupert was devastated.

Rupert's heart was broken as he started to sob.

"This....This is my fault.... I did this!" he cried. 

Rupert sobbed as he put his face into his hands, he was trembling as he sobbed. Calvin watched him in sadness and pity. Calvin had never seen Rupert like this before, Rupert was always the strong captain whom was brave, stubborn, prickly, grumpy, and sometimes tired. Calvin didn't know what to do, he wanted to comfort Rupert but he knew Rupert didn't like someone comforting him. However...Rupert needed comfort and Calvin didn't want see Rupert break down some more. 

Calvin hesitantly brought out his arms as he wince slightly in pain, he didn't care as he hugged Rupert. Rupert froze when he felt a pair of arms around him, normally he did't want people touching him but right now...he needed someone. Rupert buried himself in Calvin's chest as he continued sobbing, Calvin hugged him as he whispered comforting words to him. The door open to reveal a nurse coming in to check on Henry, she froze when she saw Rupert and Calvin. Calvin glanced at her as he gave her a stare, wordlessly demanding her to mind her own business. 

The nurse quickly checked on Henry and silently left the room. After a couple minutes later, Rupert ceased his sobbing but he was having trouble breathing. Calvin had to tell him to breathe. Calvin instructed Rupert to take deep breaths, Rupert did as he was told. After a couple more minutes later, he rubbed his eyes as he sighed. He sniffled as he let go of Calvin, his eyes were red and puffy. Calvin stared at him in worry. 

"Are you okay?" Calvin asked.

Rupert shook his head, "No."

"I can tell."

"I'm sorry, you have to see my breakdown."

"Nah, it's okay." Calvin said reassuring. "I won't tell anyone about this."

"I think everyone already knows." Rupert replied as he bowed his head down.

"Why?" Calvin questioned.

"Cause of Johnny, Charles, Victoria, Ellie, and Henry...saw my breakdowns." Rupert answered.



They both went silent after the conversation, the only noises in the room were the sounds of the monitors that were beeping. Rupert stared down at the floor as Calvin scrolled through his phone, Rupert groaned in pain as a headache started brewing his head. He needs aspirin, he was about to get up and asked a doctor for aspirin when he heard the monitors flattening. Rupert and Calvin glanced at Henry's vitals, and saw he was fading away.  

"!" Rupert bellowed as he and Calvin went over to Henry's unconscious body.

They gasped in horror as they saw Henry's arms, they saw what look like flower stems but they look...weird. They wrapped all around his arms like vines, Calvin took off the top half of Henry's gown and he felt sick to his stomach when he saw the flower stems were all over his stomach. Rupert started hyperventilating as Calvin went out of the room to get the doctors and everyone else.

The monitors sounded like they were underwater to Rupert, in fact, Rupert felt like he was drowning. Rupert stared at Henry while the monitors was telling him Henry's heart rate was low, then he suddenly started having memories playing through his mind. The day he met Henry, the day Henry escaped, the day Henry joined the Government, etc. The doctors came rushing in with Calvin, the General, Charles, Johnny, and Henry's dads. 

Calvin tried pulling Rupert away from Henry while Charles and Johnny shouted his name. The General had to calm down Randy and Terrence, Rupert didn't listen to any of it as he kept staring at Henry. Then he slowly walked up to Henry, ignoring the doctors' pleas and protests. He then put a hand gently on Henry's cheek, he lean down to Henry's lips. Before anyone could stop him, he kissed Henry. 

When Rupert kissed Henry, time seemed to stop. However, the monitor started beeping normally again. Rupert kept kissing Henry while everyone watched him in shock, the more Rupert kept kissing him, the more Henry's heart rate became normal. After a few minutes later, Henry's heart rate was steady and normal. Rupert pulled away from Henry as his face was scarlet and warm. Rupert then turn away from Henry and started heading out of the room.

"R-Rupert?" Charles said as he grabbed Rupert by the arm. Rupert glanced at him blankly then he went out of the room, leaving everyone behind stunned.

A/N:Finally! Right...

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