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The car ride is rather long and boring

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The car ride is rather long and boring. You squish yourself into your seat trying to find a slightly more comfortable position but it's no use. Your butt hurts and your eyes sting from keeping them too long on the white pages of your favorite book you know by heart. You look out the window to enjoy the view for a while, already recognizing the buildings surrounding you.

You haven't been here for a while but the memories coming back are one of the best you've ever had. It's a shame you had to move with your family leaving your friends and crush here.

You step out of the car excitedly to see a slightly taller woman standing at the front door with her arms already wide open for you. You hug her tightly as she pats the back of your head. You peek inside the house but it seems like she's alone.

-Sorry dear the boys are at the gym.- she says letting you go.- Look at you, all grown up! Do you want to wait for them, sweetie?

-I'll surprise them.- you send her a wink already on your way. You struggle a bit at first but soon you walk confidently like you never left the town.

You roll your eyes hearing the squeaks and thuds the ball makes when it crashes into the floor. All this between all the yelling and bickering of the boys. You push the double door of the gym that is slightly ajar.

-DASHI! -you yell entering the gym startling the poor boy immediately as he was about to serve the last ball of the game. The volleyball drops on the floor as the gym falls silent with all the eyes focused on you. You click your tongue approaching the nearest bench.- Not the right time, huh?

-Y/N! -Tadashi squeals out not sure what to do now. He watches you take a seat while everyone else stares at you confused. Should he walk over to you? Or should he continue the game?

-Go on, finish your game! -you smile widely waving to him, just like a mother to her child. He can't help but feel embarrassed immediately. You make yourself comfy, touching up your black tank top which slipped up a little too much as you sat down.

He nods quickly and jogs to the ball returning to his position. You watch him serve and you feel proud, he got better since you last saw him. Your eyes follow the ball as you almost pay little to no attention to who's touching it.

Serve. Recieve. Set. Block. Save. Set. Spike. Recieve. Setter dump.

You stretch yourself out on the bench with all eyes on you once again as the game ends when the ball touches the ground. Tadashi approaches you quickly as you're already standing with your arms open for him. He embraces you with a little blush on his face as you squeeze him tightly to yourself.

-I've missed you so much Dashi! -you laugh swaying your bodies to the sides.- Have you gotten bigger? -you raise your brow taking a step back.- Stop growing, you're already so much taller than me! -you whine as he chuckles.

-YAMAGUCHI! -a bald like men yells running towards the two of you. You can't help but laugh when he's joined by two shorter guys.- WHO IS THIS?!

-Guys... Please... Stop... -Yamaguchi stutters out, standing before you to shield you from the crazy boys.- You're gonna... scare her!

But you poke your head out curiously from behind him. You give them a little wave and smile as they all yell excitedly. His teammates are sure crazy you think to yourself. You try to match what Yamaguchi said about them with the right person but it's hard when they all act as they have never seen a girl before.

-IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND, YAMAGUCHI-KUN? -the little orange-haired guy asks jumping up and down around the other two. They bump into one another not paying attention at all.

You playfully wrap your hands around Yama's waist and lay your head onto his shoulder although to do that you find yourself in need to tiptoe.

-LOOK AT THIS! SHE IS! -the other short guy says pointing fingers at you, you can't help but chuckle.- WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?

-Y/N-chan, please, they're getting the wrong idea.- Yamaguchi cries out with his face as red as a tomato.- She's my cousin!

-That's right! -you wink, unraveling your hands from Yamaguchi.- Y/N L/N, but please call me Y/N. Any friends of my beloved cousin are mine friends as well.

-I'm Hinata Shoyo! -the ginger introduces himself with a wide smile. He's literally a ray of sunshine you think to yourself. You might remember this guy from your cousin's stories.

-Tanaka Ryūnosuke and this is Nishinoya Yū -the bald guy says pointing to himself and then to the boy with spikey hair and little blond stands in front. What an interesting hairstyle.

-It's lovely to meet you! -you flash them a smile.

-What are you doing here anyway Y/N? -Tadashi asks with his brows knitted.

-It's summer vacation! -you exclaim laughing.- I'm here to spend some time with you dummy! Don't you want me to? -you say making puppy eyes at him.

-Of course I do! -he says quickly.- You just didn't say anything...

-Well it was a surprise, duh. -you stick out your tongue at him.

Soon the rest of the team approaches you at their own time like once they finish cleaning up a bit after the practice.

-Hello. -you say slightly bowing to the approaching men as they seem more mature and serious due to what you assume they have to be older than you.- Sorry for intruding. I was told I would find Yamaguchi here. I'm Y/N Y/N, his cousin, but please call me Y/N.

-Oh it's fine! -the gray-haired boy says with a soft smile.- I'm Kōshi Sugawara a setter and vice-captain, this is Daichi Sawamura our captain, and Asahi Azumane our ace.- he introduces them one by one as they bow respectfully towards you.

-Oi you two! -Suga suddenly yells back. You're almost taken aback by the change in his tone and behavior. - Stop bickering and greet our guest!

-There's no need! They don't have to.- you say quickly.- I don't want to bother you guys! I did show up unannounced after all!

-We're already done for the day so it's fine! -Daichi assures you with a gentle smile.

-This is the King of the court. -whispers Hinata when a grumpy-looking kid with dark hair slowly walks their way.- I MEAN KAGEYAMA TOBIO.- he says quickly as said boy stands behind him piercing a hole into his head with his eyes.

-And this is... -Sugawara begins but you cut him off.

-Isn't this my favorite skyscraper boy? -you tease him with a grin on your face. Everyone looks at you surprised. You rest one hand on your hip not noticing that it makes your sweatpants lower a bit.

-You're as loud as always, Y/N. -he sighs positioning himself behind the rest, trying to keep his distance from you.

-Aren't you gonna hug your favorite girl? -you ask approaching him slowly. He stands still with his arms crossed giving you a death glare but you're not stopping.

-You're not my favorite, Y/N. -he says rolling his eyes.

-You didn't say that I'm not your girl tough.- you coo, wrapping your hands around his waist. He turns his head away quickly but it's no use as everyone can see the slight blush that creeps onto his face.

-I hate you.- he says as his teammates laugh and tease him.

Oh, how fun this summer will be.

𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝓈𝑜 𝓈𝒶𝓁𝓉𝓎 • 𝒯𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶 𝒦𝑒𝒾Where stories live. Discover now