𝟝 𝕙𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕣𝕠𝕒𝕕

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-Oh come on Dashi! I called shotgun! -you whine when Yamaguchi takes the seat in the front next to his mom who's driving

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-Oh come on Dashi! I called shotgun! -you whine when Yamaguchi takes the seat in the front next to his mom who's driving. You're sleepy which makes you also extremely grumpy. You have no idea who decided that you should get up at 5 a.m. to get to the beach as soon as you can but you want to murder them.

-Y/N. We all know you'll be switching the music every ten seconds and no one wants that. -Kei sighs and you locate yourself in the middle seat in the back of the car. He leans over you to fasten your seatbelt as you pout like a child. You yawn into his ear and he shoots you a disgusted look.

- Yamaguchi's playlist is so boring though! -you cry out rubbing your eyes tiredly.

-Good, it's gonna put you to sleep faster because you're a big crybaby when you don't get enough sleep. -Kei says also rubbing his eyes under his glasses. He has to admit that he's sleepy too, the thought of almost all his teammates in the same house as you didn't sit right with him and he barely got any sleep himself.

-Ah Suga-san, you're coming with us? -you tilt your head when the white-haired boy takes a seat on your right.

-It appears so. -he smiles gently your way and you smile back. Somehow you feel at ease when he's around you.

-Sugawara-San, you can always switch with someone else. -Tsukishima says eyeing his Senpai when he gently corrects your seatbelt so it doesn't feel uncomfortable.

-Oh thank you but I'm alright here. -Suga says adjusting himself in his seat.

-Alright guys, -Daichi says leaning in Suga's open window.- Remind me to never have kids. -he sighs deeply, clearly already exhausted.- You lucky bastard. -he mumbles towards Suga nudging him in the arm.

-Oii!!! Bokeyama!!! -Hinata yells in the other bigger car.- Switch seats with me!

-No way! -growls Tobio shoving the gingers face away.

-Asaaaahiiii I'm hungry. -cries out Nishinoya shaking his arms.

-Me too! Can we get food on the way? -Ryu whines tugging Asahi on the other side. You knit your brows looking at the mess in the other car.

-Ah Daichi, should I switch with one of the boys? Wouldn't that even things out a little? Won't they cause you too much trouble?

-No! -yells almost everyone in the car which startles you a bit.

-It's alright. -Daichi laughs and you nod your head, knowing that no one will actually let you swap places.- We should get going, right?

-That's right! -Tadashi's mom nods her head and Daichi quickly jumps into the other car with Mr. Yamaguchi as a driver. You chuckle quietly when Daichi yells to calm everyone down and the boys fall silent but for only a few minutes before all the doors and windows are closed and the car starts rolling.

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