𝟞 𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕠𝕟𝕖

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-Do you boys need help with those? -asks Mr

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-Do you boys need help with those? -asks Mr. Yamaguchi when everyone grabs their luggage from the back of the car.

-No thank you, sir.- they all bow respectfully.

-Thank you so much for driving us.- you hug your aunt tightly.

-Please behave boys! -she laughs cheerfully.- And you two better take care of Y/N-chan, since she's the only girl here! -she says to both Tsukki and Yamaguchi and they nod their heads.- Alright! Please call us if anything happens and we'll pick you up on Sunday somewhere around noon!

-Drive safely! -everyone yells waving at the parents as they leave the bigger car in the driveway and drive off in the smaller one waving back at the kids. You stretch out with both your hand high in the air.

-Y/N-chan... -Nishinoya gasps. Shortly after you feel a volleyball jacket thrown on your face.

-Whaaa... -you gasp trying to get the material off you.

-Stupid.- Tsukishima scoffs.- You grew too.

Your face turns red when you realize what he means and that your top rolled up exposing your belly almost completely.

-Shut up.- you mumble but you put on his jersey around your waist.- Let's go!

You lead them inside the house with a huge smile on your face.

-They are four rooms with a double bed in each and a spare futon but I can see that you guys also brought your own so that's good. -you pat your pockets searching for the keys when you hear Tsukishima clear his throat. You look at him confused and you're surprised to see that he's dangling the keys in front of your face.

-I knew you'd forget them.

You stick your tongue at him and snatch the keys from his hands to open the door. As you do everyone rolls in right after you.

-Should we talk about the room assignment before I show you around? -you ask leaving your bags on the floor.

-Ryu and I can sleep with, Y/N-chan! -Nishinoya jumps unexpectedly.- We'll protect her!

-Over my head body.- Tsukishima growls at the two boys who's excitement falters immediately.

-What he said.- Tadashi nods his head with his hands crossed.- Y/N will be sleeping alone in her room. The rest of us can separate into three groups consisting of three people.

-That's fine by me.- you shrug your arms and take a seat on the couch as the boys start bickering.

-I want to be with you Ryu! -says Noya as he clings to his best friend.- Let's be with Asahi too! -he says dragging the poor boy over to their side.

-There's no way, you're in the room with us.- Tsukishima says to Hinata who's already walking over to Yamaguchi.

-Stop being so mean! -the little boy scoffs.- Y/N-chan, please tell your boyfriend something!

This is the exact moment everyone freezes in place including you. You widen your eyes as they waver from the small ginger boy to the tall blonde Kei. Your face heats up and you can already tell that it's probably as red as a tomato.

Tadashi and Suga each grab Tsukishima's arm to hold him back from killing Shoyo. He doesn't even realize that his face also turned red due to the words.

-Uh... Aren't they together? -Shoyo adds and even Kageyama tries to cover up his big mouth while Ryu and Noya laugh their asses off.

-You guys sort this out, I'm off to change! -you almost yell out grabbing your stuff and sprinting upstairs to your room.- Yams! Show them around when you're done!

You shut the door to your room and slide down onto the floor with your back pressed against the wood. You hide your red cheeks into your palms trying to calm yourself down. Sure you could shamelessly flirt with Tsukishima without being flustered but somehow this, this got you way more than anything you could say yourself.

You quickly throw your clothes out of your bag and change into a new outfit, making sure that this one is more fitting than the top you had earlier. You can hear shuffling outside the door so you figure that they manage to calm Tsukishima down.

-Y/N-chan! Are you alright? -Hinata asks, lightly knocking on the door.- We're almost ready!

-I'm coming out in a minute! -you shout back at pat down your hair. You open up your door so quickly that Hinata almost falls in.

-Ah, Y/N-chan! -he stands up quickly.- Did my words embarrass you Y/N-chan? -he asked innocently.- I didn't mean to!

-It's okay Sunshine-kun! -you laugh patting his head.- Please just don't go around saying this kind of things, I don't think we can stop him from killing you if you do!

-I'll grill you next time, Shrimp.- Tsukishima says leaning against the wall on the other side.

-We still have a lot of the day left! -you say.- Let me show you the house and then we can go to the beach!

Everyone agrees and you find it funny when they follow you like puppies for the rest of the day. They split into a few groups mostly based on who they are in the room. Which makes Daichi responsible for Kageyama and Hinata while Asahi is stuck with the crackhead duo. Suga cheerfully walks by your side as he's in the room with Tsukki and Tadashi, not that he had a choice unless he wants to sleep on the couch in the living room.

-One bathroom is on the upper floor and the other one is right under.- You say skipping down the stairs.- Living room, feel free to use the tv as you please. The kitchen is right there, please don't burn anything down.- You chuckle leaning over the kitchen island.- I don't know if any of you can actually cook so maybe I'll handle this part.

Ryu, Noya, and Hinata nod their heads excitedly as they jump around touching various things. Daichi scolds them but they seem not to care.

-And there's the patio.- you wave your hand to the glass door and they all gasp at the beautiful view.

-This house is huge! -Hinata says.- And the beach is so close! Can we go there?

-Alright! -Daichi approves and you can't help but laugh when he really resembles a dad figure in this situation.

Boys quickly gather up and you all leave the house to go to the beach. It sure is close as it only takes a few minutes till your feet touch the warm sand and the sun kisses your skin. The weather today is just beautiful and you smile widely when you see that even Kei seems to be enjoying it. You playfully nudge his side and he quickly turns away when he realizes that you caught him.

-Tag, you're it! -you yell pushing Hinata on the side and running away. The boy is quick to react as he touches Kageyama almost immediately and everyone except Tsukki joins the play. You laugh out loud having lots of fun. After a long play and walking along the beach, you all go grocery shopping for the following week.

It's almost scary how quickly the day ends. With a little help of Tsukki, you make dinner for everyone while Yamaguchi gets the table ready.

-Are you having fun, skyscraper? -you ask teasingly nudging the tall blonde on the side. For the second time this day, you catch him with a smile on his face when he looks at his teammates bickering over the table.

-You're such a tsundere, Tsukishima Kei.- you laugh leaving him in the kitchen to serve the food.

He looks at you as you sit down with a big smile on your face and somehow he finds himself smiling once more. He turns his face away not wanting to be caught again but he can't deny that he actually is having fun.

𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝓈𝑜 𝓈𝒶𝓁𝓉𝓎 • 𝒯𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶 𝒦𝑒𝒾Where stories live. Discover now