𝟙𝟚 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕕𝕒𝕪

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You both decide not to tell the rest about your new status although you know that Yamaguchi will figure it out sooner or later

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You both decide not to tell the rest about your new status although you know that Yamaguchi will figure it out sooner or later. Tsukishima helps you get your hair in place and he slowly slides his thumb over your lower lip noticing that it's a little swollen from the rather intense make-out session you just had.

-You're still such a tease. -you say rolling your eyes.- Do you think they're already asleep? I did text Yamaguchi not to wait for us with dinner.

He shrugs his arms and quietly enters the house right after you. It's almost 11 p.m. and it seems that the boys are indeed sound asleep. You split up as he goes to the bathroom upstairs to get ready to sleep and you stay in the bottom one.

You look at your slightly flushed face in the mirror as you cannot get the image of you two kissing out of your head. Your fingers gently touch your bottom lip which is swollen and a bit red. You quickly jump into the shower getting all the sand out of your hair and wash your body with your favorite shower gel. You sigh when the hot water hits your face and slowly goes down your bare body, your muscles finally relax and you almost immediately remember the match you just had today.

-I'm going to be so worn out tomorrow. -you groan to yourself pressing your forehead to the wet tiles in the shower.

You quickly dry out your hair with a towel and then hope that you won't wake up your friends when you turn on the blow dryer even on the quietest setting you can find. When your head is mostly dry as you're quite satisfied with the result to quickly brush your hair out and brush your teeth as the last step.

You tiptoe with your clothes under your arm and jump up when you almost bump into Tsukishima who's apparently been waiting for you.

-I always wondered why you girls take so long in the bathroom. -he rolls his eyes when you stare at him.

-What are you even doing here? -you whisper-yell with your brow's knitted.

-You didn't say good night so I figured that you might want to hang out a bit more. -he cocks up his brow.- Am I wrong?

-Well you didn't say goodnight either! -you defend yourself as you push him upstairs.- Isn't it almost midnight already? We should get to sleep. Dashi's parents will be here to pick us tomorrow in just 12 hours.

-Look who now doesn't want to spend time together. -he teases you when you lead him upstairs by the hand.

You stop at your door while he goes to the one on the other side but you don't let go of his hand yet. He looks at your intertwined fingers and then at you.

-They're already sleeping... -you say quietly.- I thought you could sleep with me?

-We're officially a couple for less than a few hours Y/N. -his hand messes up your brushed hair and your cheeks tint red.- And you already...

-I wasn't implying that! You pervert! -you mumble swatting his hand away.- I changed my mind, you can go sleep on the couch, skyscraper.

You turn around and quickly enter your room. He stands in the hallway when you close the door and throw yourself on the bed with your face pressed against the pillows.

-Stupid Tsukishima. -you groan into the fluffy pillow.- Making me embarrassed even now.

You hear a slight creek when the door opens and he slides himself in. Then there's a quiet click when they close. He lifts up the covers and you feel the mattress next to you sink a little under his weight.

-Scoot, you're taking up too much space. -he says and you roll your eyes. You quickly jump under the blanket and snuggle yourself to him. He lets you rest your head on his arm as he gently rubs circles on your back.- Don't try anything on me, you perverted girl.

-You wish. - those words come up muffled as your face is already pressed against his neck.

Your hot breath tickles his skin but he doesn't say anything. He can't help but chuckle when you doze off to sleep right away. He rubs your back for a few minutes more before setting off an alarm to make sure he wakes up before the boys do and leaves your room without anyone knowing that he slept there. Not that he doesn't want to show them that you two are together but he knows he cannot stand the constant teasing from his upperclassmen.

It doesn't take long for him to fall asleep too. He finds the warmth from your body really soothing and he feels at ease when your heartbeat matches his.

The morning comes faster than he anticipated. The alarm ringing right next to his ear makes him wake up with a scowl on his face. He quickly turns it off not to wake anyone else up.

-Clingy.- he murmurs under his nose when he sees you still pressed against his torso. He finds it quite challenging to untangle his long legs with your short ones not to mention wiggling out of your hold.

-Stay a little longer... -you mumble out sleepily.- You're warm.

Tsukishima leans in to place a kiss on your forehead and a smile shows up on your face almost immediately. A quiet sigh escapes his lips when he finds his roommates Yamaguchi and Sugawara sound asleep. He grabs a few clothes to change into and heads into the kitchen. He can make breakfast since he's up already and maybe clean this place up a little before they leave.

He's about to open up the fridge when you wrap your arms around his waist.

-You left me.- you whine into his back.

-You're grumpy when you don't get enough sleep. -he reminds you shaking his head.

-But I wanted to sleep with you... with you by my side before you say anything unnecessary! -you quickly add and he can't help but chuckle. You unravel your hands just in time as the boys start coming down, everyone still half asleep yawning and rubbing their eyes.

-Did you guys even sleep? -Suga asks.- We wanted to wait for you but Yamaguchi-kun said not to and you're already awake?

-Oh, I slept just fine.- you grin shooting a glance at Tsukki who rolls his eyes.

Since everyone is awake Kei starts preparing breakfast with you while the rest of the boys slowly clean up the house. It doesn't take long since there are eight of them and they all sit by the table right after.

-Y/N-chan, are you still up for swimming lessons? -Suga asks smiling towards you.- We could go together before Yamaguchi's parents pick us up?

-That's really nice of you, Suga-san -you say smiling back at the boy. Tsukishima frowns and he brings you towards him by the waist.

-There's no need, I've already taught my girlfriend.- he says almost sternly.

The table falls silent as everyone watches your face slowly turn red in embarrassment.

-He said girlfriend! -Hinata points out!

-Aww man, I can't believe Y/N-chan is officially off the table! -Noya adds pouting.

-Both of you shut up.- Tsukki groans.- Shrimp, pass me the salt.

-Aren't you salty enough, Stingyshima? -the ginger boy frowns. You giggle as you place both hands on Kei's shoulders and lean it.

-Just so you know, Kei. You don't taste salty at all.

And with those words, you manage to make every single boy in the room turn red as you laugh so much that your stomach hurts. Tsukishima tries to look away but his eyes land on you and you know the revenge he's planning will be the death of you.

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