𝟙𝟘 𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖

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You're a bit sad that Friday comes so quickly

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You're a bit sad that Friday comes so quickly. It means that getting back home is a few steps closer and you still didn't manage to confess your feelings. You wonder why is it so hard. Why can you say embarrassing things to him and act like a fool but you can't say those simple three words. Whenever you feel like it, they just get stuck in your throat. You also can't figure out whether Tsukishima feels the same.

Damn boy teases you so much that you have no idea. All these times you were so close to him, you held hands, almost kissed... It was killing you. You were so close yet so far...

You stretch out on the bed noticing that once again the boys let you sleep in or maybe they all did? After all, everyone was pretty tired after yesterday. The boys played volleyball till the end of the night and Tsukishima actually showed you how to swim and you were eager to master at least one swimming style by the end of the day.

Of course, he made fun of you for being scared of the ocean.

"Tsukki, what if a shark swims up to us?"

"What if a huge wave covers me and I can't swim up?"

"What If I get caught up in algae and can't get out?"

Your forehead was red and hurt by the end of the day as Tsukishima flicked your forehead every time you'd ask him such a stupid question. You asked him to kiss it better when you were going home but he shoved your face away as you laughed at him.

You put on your favorite sweat pants and Tsukki's t-shirt with a t-rex on it and skip down the stairs. The boys are already there greeting you with wide smiles as they occupy the living room.

-Y/N-chan.- Hinata tugs onto your shirt.- Can you help Bokeyama and I make pancakes? We were waiting for you...- he says making puppy eyes.

-Sure, Sunshine-kun.- you pat his head gently and start making breakfast with the help of the other two first-years.

-Tsukishima-kun.- Suga says quietly leaning over the couch the blonde is sitting on.- Do you like Y/N?

The question is so sudden that he chokes on his water while everyone else's eyes widen in disbelief. Did Suga have a death wish?

-S-Su-Suga-san! -Yamaguchi stutters out looking at his best friend.

-Kei, are you alright? -you ask from the kitchen when you hear the boy cough loudly, he quickly throws thumbs up in response.

-Why do you ask, Suga-san? -Tsukishima asks looking at his upperclassman.- Are you interested in her?

-Why don't you just answer the question? -Suga nudges his arm.- We can all see how you're looking at her. -he laughs sitting on the other side of the couch.- She looks at you the same way, you know?

Tsukishima doesn't say a word instead he turns around to see you cheerfully chit-chat with both boys as you make food. Suga watches his face curiously and everyone lets out the air they've been holding realizing that Tsukishima isn't going to launch at Koushi. He instead stays quiet. Indeed he got closer to you during these few days and he had to admit that both you and he grew up over the last year when you hadn't seen each other.

-Are you boys hungry? -you ask holding up two plates when they all sit down by the table. You place one plate in front of Tsukishima and the other one in front of Koushi who sits next to him.

-So what do we do today? -Noya asks with his mouth already stuffed with pancakes.

-How about we just stay in? -Asahi says digging into his portion as you place it down.

-Sounds good.

The boys agree enjoying the meal and you eat yours constantly moving around the house. You then prepare a few games for them to play on either PlayStation or board games and you prepare snacks for the remaining day.

Tadashi offers to join you on a quick shopping spree as he mostly knows what his teammates like. They pick a few snacks of each and stuff their bags.

-Dashi? -you say before you two enter the house.- I think... I think I'll try to confess before our trip ends... -you sigh quietly and he brings you into an embrace.

-I support you, Y/N-chan. -he swings your body on the sides.- It will be alright. I know Tsukki is a little uptight sometimes but he cares about you...

You nod your head and get inside. The boys immediately jump up to take the bags from your hands when they see how many you're carrying with you.

-Ah Y/N-chan, you're an angel! -Noya shouts throwing the snacks right and left.- You got our favorites too?!

-Dashi helped me.- you giggle as you pour the snacks into bowls or lay them on plates.

For the next few hours, you switch from playing the PlayStation to playing the board game to have at least one play against each boy. You tire yourself out pretty quickly as the day goes by. Your eyes are almost closed until Hinata yells "UNO" throwing his cards on the table which wakes you up just enough.

-It's getting late, how about we watch a movie and call it a night? -Daichi says and there's a wave of hums and yawns that spreads around the room.

They sit themselves on the couch and the chairs while you make a few packets of popcorn . You throw the steaming snack into four bowls and hand Yamaguchi and Noya one each.

-EH?! -you frown when you reach the couch with the remaining two bowls.- We're watching a horror movie?

-What, you scared? Scaredy-cat. -Tsukishima laughs, you pout handing one bowl to Asahi on the one end of the couch and look for a place for yourself.

-You're being mean again! -Hinata whines as Tsukki pushes him off the couch onto the ground to make a space for you.- It's okay, Y/N-chan, I'll sit next to Nishinoya-senpai.- he says throwing himself a pillow on the ground.

You squeeze yourself between Kei and Koushi on the couch as the movie begins. Your hands grip tightly onto the red bowl whenever a jump scare takes place making a little bit of popcorn fall out. Tsukishima chuckles at your reaction.

-Do you want me to hold it? -asks Koushi pointing at the trembling bowl in your hands. You nod slightly handling him the thing realizing that you have nothing to grab on now.

You gulp loudly when the creepy music starts to play and when a monster jumps out you hide your face in Tsukki's arm. Noya and Hinata cover their eyes yelping from time to time with you as well. You cover your face with your right hand, spreading your fingers to watch between them.

-Just grab my hand if you're scared so much. -Tsukishima whispers into your ear.

-I'm not! -you whisper back but as soon as you said it you bumped your face in his neck trying not to look on the screen.- I'm not... -you almost sob as you scoot over closer to him and he lets you.

You snuggle into his side looking for comfort and his warmth calms you down a little. You squeeze his hand every time you feel scared until you unknowingly fall asleep on his shoulder with your hand intertwined with his.

He doesn't wake you up and after a few minutes of your peaceful snores, he falls asleep too. As the movie ends, Hinata and Noya are already sleeping tight and even Ahashi lets out a loud snore as he dozes off on Suga's arm. They wake him up so he can go to his room while Daichi and Suga carry their teammates upstairs.

Yamaguchi doesn't have the heart to wake Tsukki and you up as you sleep peacefully cuddled into each other. He snaps a few quick pictures and tiptoes to his room as well leaving the two lovebirds on the couch.

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