𝟜 𝕨𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕞𝕒

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The next day as all the boys asked for their parents' permission, you couldn't help but visit Tsukishima's household

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The next day as all the boys asked for their parents' permission, you couldn't help but visit Tsukishima's household. You drag Yamaguchi out of his bed at ten a.m. and he still is grumpy about it. You would be too but you're just too excited to see Akiteru and Kei's mom.

-Come on Dashi, I bet Tsukki will let you nap on his bed once we get there. -you chuckle as you shake his arm.

-He won't Y/N-Chan.- he whines but finally he gathers himself up from the bed.- Why can't you just go alone? You know we're neighbors.

-I know silly! But without you, Tsukki won't let me talk to Nii-chan! -you pout and he sighs.

Kei was never in favor of his brother hanging around his friends. No matter who he was with he would usually tell Akiteru off and he would listen but around you, he had to make sure that Akiteru can't get to you.

He couldn't stand that Akiteru had to always embarrass him in front of you. You found it funny and adorable when the two would bicker around. Akiteru would always tell you a story or two about Kei's childhood or he would sneak a few pictures from the photo album into your pockets so you could tease him about how adorable he used to be.

So now whenever you visited he would lock his older brother up so you two couldn't talk behind his back. But how can he do that if he doesn't know that you're visiting?

-Shouldn't we warn Tsukki first? -Yamaguchi worries as you drag him behind you. Not that he doesn't want to go. He visits his best friend almost daily but with you coming along and Akiteru at home he knows this might not end up well.

-It's gonna be fine, Dashi! -you pat his back as he looks nervous.- Go on, knock.

-M-Me? -he stutters out but he does as you ask him to. There's a silence after the three loud knocks and soon Tsukishima opens up with a frown on his face.

-Tadashi? -he questions.

-Oh is that Yamaguchi-kun? -Akiteru peeks out from behind his brother.- It's so nice to see you!

-Oh... Yo-you too...

His nervousness gives away everything you have to act quickly.

-Dashi, take care of the skyscraper! -you yell as you push your poor cousin right onto confused Kei to open up your way inside.- Akiteru-nii! -you fall into his embrace as he laughs.

-Oh my! Y/N-Chan, you grew gorgeous! -he says making you blush a little.

-Go to your room now.- Kei says pointing at the stairs to Akiteru.

-Ah? I'm the older one, I should be saying that! -he pouts bringing you closer.- And I want to spend some time with Y/N-Chan too! You always hog her to yourself!

-I'm not! -Kei shakes his head with a blush on his cheeks.

-Let me love her too, Kei. She's almost my sister-in-law!

You laugh into Akiteru's arm that's still wrapped around your face and you can barely see anything but you manage to catch a glimpse of Tsukishima's red face when he hears his brother's words.

-This is why you're not allowed around Y/N.- he sighs. You feel his slim, long fingers wrap around your wrist as he drags you upstairs.

-Let's talk later Akiteru-nii! -you yell when he lets you go and let Tsukki leads you to his room.

-Gomen! -Tadashi adds as he skips on the stairs right after you.

-Ah young love! - nii-san laughs loudly, Kei groans at his words closing the door when everyone is in the room.

Your eyes wander around the room trying to remember when was the last time you were there. It hasn't changed much you notice. His shelves are still loaded with books CDs and dinosaurs related stuff. He watches you carefully as you play with the little figures.

-So adorable.- you comment as you lay your eyes on him, he tries to hold your stare but it's hard when both of your faces heat up.- Can I please spend some time with Akiteru-nii? -you ask him with puppy eyes.

-No. You're gonna make him show you our family album or something! -Kei objects crossing his arms. He leans against the door because you know you don't stand a chance against him. Suddenly your phone rings and both boys look at you.

-Yes, Akiteru-nii? -you answer with a grin on your face.- Yes, Kei is holding me hostage, should you inform mom? Yes, please do.

Kei's eyes widen, he did not know that his older brother has your number. And he definitely did not expect him to call you in front of him.

-Give me that.- he says as he launches your way and you yelp when his body crushes yours. His legs straddle your waist, one of his hands pins down your free hand while you vigorously shake the other one that's actually holding the phone.

-Tsukki you're gonna crush her! -Yamaguchi yells as he's trying to take him off of you. His hand slips off Kei's arm making him lean forward.

Both of you freeze immediately when you feel your noses bump into each other realizing that your faces are only a few inches away. You can't tell who's redder, you or Tsukishima but he quickly jumps to the side freeing you and you pat your shirt down unable to look him in the face.

-Let's talk with Akiteru-nii.- you say barely hearing your own words when your heart beats like crazy.

Neither Yamaguchi nor Tsukki responds they only follow. As you open the door Akiteru almost falls in.

-Agh.. I wasn't listening! -he quickly says and then he takes a look on your face.- KEI what did you do to our precious Y/N-chan? -he wraps his hands around you and leads you down to the kitchen.- Why are you both so red, what happened? Yamaguchi-Kun?

Yamaguchi was the only one with an only slight blush on his face since he was the cause of the embarrassing situation. He keeps his mouth shut when Tsukki gives him a death stare.

-You're awfully quiet, maybe I do not want to hear about it after all? -he wonders for a bit and then sits you on the couch beside him.- I've heard you kids are going on a trip? That's so fun! Can I go too?

-No way.- Tsukishima scoffs.- I'll already have to take care of this hothead here there's no way you're coming along to cause more trouble Onii-san.

-Whaat? Kei, don't be so mean, I'm an adult you know!

-I highly doubt that.- he says rolling his eyes, he stands leaning on the armchair Yamaguchi sits on. Akiteru gasps at his brother's words.

-You know, Akiteru-nii I have to give it to Tsukki.- you nod your head, and the older Tsukishima gasps once again more dramatically this time.

-Not you too, my sweet Y/N-chan! -he grabs your arms and shakes you.

-Yours? -Kei cocks his brow up and then turns his head away.- Whatever, you two are so childish.

He goes up to his room with Yamaguchi following slowly behind.

-Did he... -Akiteru's eyes widen.- Did he just leave us alone, Y/N-chan?

You nod your head in disbelief too as Kei disappears from your sight.

-Sometimes I think I fell for the wrong Tsukishima, Akiteru.- you sigh snuggling to his side as he gently caresses your shoulder in a comforting manner.

-Don't give up yet. I really do want you to be my sister-in-law. Who else is gonna fall for this salty stick boy? -he shakes his head.- Only you stand a chance! He talks bout you a lot you know? He just recently told me that he really likes how you...

-AKITERU! - Kei yells from upstairs. He jumps out of the room with your cellphone in his hand.

-Oh did I not hang up? -he asks innocently as Kei is ready to tackle him down so you spend the next half an hour watching the two brothers bickering like there's no tomorrow.

𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝓈𝑜 𝓈𝒶𝓁𝓉𝓎 • 𝒯𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶 𝒦𝑒𝒾Where stories live. Discover now