𝟛 𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕣 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕤

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-Thank you for inviting me Daichi-san

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-Thank you for inviting me Daichi-san.- you bow slightly your head as everyone gathers around the only table large enough to fit all of you at once.

-Oh no, please stop with the formalities! -he says quickly, throwing his hands up in surrender gesture.- Just Daichi is fine, really! -You watch him slide out of the chair and wait for you to sit. You laugh at his action like he wasn't the one who just said "no formalities". Daichi doesn't bother taking a seat beside you as Noya and Ryu are quicker than light to surround you, sliding their chairs out with a loud squek.

Tsukishima doesn't like the idea of you sitting between Tanaka and Nishinoya but with everyone else already seated and them refusing to move you're stuck there. He would give the two boys death glares but they're too busy droling all over you to even notice. He instead takes a seat right in front of you to have a good look at his two clingy teammates. He clicks his tounge everytime one of they would get a little too close to you but with two noisy boys beside you, you couldn't notice. Yamaguchi pats Tsukki's back and he immidiately tries to act like he doesn't care. But the two of his senpai's all over you bother him to the extreme.

-You should meet Kiyoko-san! -Nishinoya exclaims loudly, Asahi tries to shush him but with no luck. The boy's voice has no limits.- Ryu! Imagine! Two godnesses right next to each other! And us beside them!

-Beautiful view! -the other one agrees wiping a fake tear off the corner of his eye.- You could both wear pretty dresses and we could carry you like princesses...

-That's enough Tanaka.- Daichi says as he shoves a meatbun into Tanaka's open mouth. He bites it hungrily instantly forgetting what he was saying. Asahi on the other side swings the treat above Noya's head to distract him as well.

Guess everyone could see that even though you yourself  are energetic and cheerfull that the two are quite a handfull. You mouth "thank you" to Asahi as he gives you an apologetic look in return. The boys start to talk one over another and finding yourself somewhere in the middle of the table you don't know where to focus.

-Can't believe we're not going anywhere for the summer! -pouts Hinata and the rest of the boys nod agreeing.

On your left Tanaka wolfs down the meatbuns at a terrifiying speed. Daichi pats his back when he chokes and Suga pushes a glass of water towards him with concerned expression. They look like parents taking care of their children.

Right next to Suga, Hinata bickers about something with Tsukishima who doesn't seem to really care as always. Yamaguchi tries to calm the sitauation down and hold back Tsukki in case he decides to kill the small ball of sunshine on his right.

Asahi is being occupied by Noya who somehow got him to agree to put his hair in a different hairstyle. He's now sitting with his eyes closed and his face a little flushed in embarassement as the smaller boy combs his hair with his fingers. There's a slight smile on his face showing how big of a softie he actually is.

The last person at the table is Kageyma and you can't help but to giggle when he sits completly unbothered by his teammates, sipping on another box of milk. Where on earth has he got another box? How much milk can this guy actually drink?

-Care to share? -you reach out your hand for the milk just to tease him but to your suprise he gives you another box.- Kageyama-kun... Just how many milk boxes do you exactly carry? You really must love milk, don't you?

He just shrugs in response making you laugh a little louder. Hinata's eyes land on a carton box in your hands. And he swings his legs like a little child making him look like one even more.

-Oi, King of the court, I want one too! -he cries reaching out his hands to said boy but Tsukki is on the way trying to push the boy away by holding his face.

-That was the last one, Boke! -Kageyama scoots way knowing well that Hinata doesn't believe him and will try to steal his precious milk.

-Stop it you shrimp! -Tsukishima groans when Hinata almost knocks off his glasses. Yamaguchi once again has to hold him back when his slender long arms reach for the ginger boys face. Suga on the other hand holds Hinata back but mostly to keep him safe.

-Are they always like that? -you ask amused while sucking on the straw.

-Pretty much.- Daichi nods his head.- Oi, you all, stop this or we'll be banned from this place! -he whisper-yells trying to calm them down but it's no use.

-Here Hinata-kun. We can share mine.- you reach out the box to him and his eyes shine.

-Y/N-chan! Thank you! You're an angel!

-Indirect kiss! -snicker both Tanaka and Noya as the little ginger reaches out for the box, but there's someone quicker than him.

Tsukishima grabs you by the wrist and pulls the box towards him. You lock eyes with him as he tries to give you a rather intimidating look and you can only blush in response as you watch his lips wrap around the staw. He leans down to glup on the milk till the carton is empty leaving Shoyo with a pout on his face.

-I told you Y/N-chan! Tsukishima is nothing but a meanie!

-I'll buy you another one Sunshine-kun.- you chuckle warmly.- Even better, since you guys are stuck here for the summer and that's obviously no fun. How about we all visit my family's beach house?

-You have a beach house? -Hinata excitement only rises at your words.- Can we, please?

-Tsk...- Tsukishima corrects his glasses as he looks at you.- As if your parents will let you invite all the boys for the weekend.

-I think you meant week, Tsukki.- you smirk at him.- They wouldn't agree normally but since my beloved cousin and you will be there I don't think they will mind. Aren't you gonna protect me, Tsukki?

-You wish.- he rolls his eyes but you know he doesn't mean it. He is overlyprocective about you areound other males and everyone can see that.

-Whatever helps you sleep at night, skyscraper. -you wink at him. When your eyes lock again with his it quickly turns into a staring contents where he tries to act uniterested an you give him a soft smile.- So what do you say, boys? How about I ask my folks today and you'll tak with yours? You can always play beach volleyball and the actual court is not so far away is you really can't live without playing. Unlce Yamaguchi could rent a bigger car and if we don't fit then we can also ask autie to drive us.

-We shouldn't bother them.- says Suga although he does like the idea of chilling on the beach since it's pretty hot in Miyagi already.

-Nah, they wouldn't mind really. They love when I drag Yamaguchi out of the house whenever I visit and they're delighted that he has so many friends now, you know Tadashi is usually so shy.

-Y/N-Chan.- he buries his face into the palms of his hands.- Please stop embarasing me.

-You are you guys in? -you with a wide smile on your face you pat Noya and Tanaka on their heads but your eyes are focused on Tsukki who gives you a disapproving look.

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