Chapter 2

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Mayas POV

I ran home and when I got into the house I completely broke down. Why did I tell her... god I'm so stupid.. Of course she doesn't feel the same way. Hope really is for suckers after all.

- - - - The next morning - - - -

I decided that I should probably go back to school today since I haven't been in a week. I got up to shower and got dressed. About an hour later when I was ready to go I realized I was gonna be late. Oh well at least I'm actually going. When I got to school classes had already started about 15 minutes ago. I walked into Mr. Mathews class and instead of sitting next to Riley like I always do I started to walk to the back of the room when Riley put her hand on her shoulder to stop me.

"Maya, where are you going, you always sit next to me."

I notice that she is still wearing her ring and I almost give in but I can't so instead I just shrugged her hand off my shoulder.

"Not anymore Riley..."

I was barely holding in tears anymore but I wouldn't break down in front of the whole class so I just walked to an empty seat in the back and sat down. Mr. Mathews started talking after Riley took her seat again. I wasn't listening but I assumed he was teaching something that is supposed to fix this but it wouldn't work this time. I felt Lucas, Zay, and Farkles stare on me the whole class.

When the bell finally rang for lunch I took my time getting my stuff together. Once Riley and our friends were gone I got up to leave but Mr. Mathews stopped me.

"Maya.. what's going on?"

"Nothing. Just leave me alone."

"No, because all I know is that you are ignoring Riley and it is hurting her."

"Yeah.. Well she will get over it. We are all better off. Now I have lunch to get to. Goodbye Mr. Mathews."

With that I walked out and headed towards the lunch room. When I got there I got my lunch and looked towards the table with Riley and all of our friends. I could feel Riley looking at me and she got a hopeful smile when I looked over but instead I walked over to an empty table and sat down. Hope is for suckers Riley. You have to learn that at some point. While I was eating my lunch someone sat down at the table and I knew exactly who it was.

"What are you doing Riley..?" I said not sounding angry but instead exhausted, which to be fair I was.

"I just wanted to sit with my best friend Maya." she said sadly.

"We aren't best friends anymore, Riley, We aren't even really friends anymore."

I got up to leave but of course he had to be standing there, the one guy I hate more than anyone. Lucas Friar.

"Maya, you have to stop this, can't you see that you're hurting her."

"Back off Lucas, I am leaving and you are not stopping me."

"Fine Maya , but just know that you are breaking her heart."

"Well, she already broke mine so if you don't mind, I'm gonna go."

I shoved past him and left the school and headed home. When I got home I packed up all my clothes and some food. I didn't know where I was going but I needed to get out of here. I just had one more stop. I walked over to Riley's and climbed up the fire escape quietly. I looked in the room so I could get one last look at her and softly said my goodbye and with that I turned and climbed down the fire escape, started walking and didn't look back.

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