Chapter 3

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Mayas POV

- - - - 2 years later - - - -

I have been gone for 2 years. I decided that I was gonna return to school, now as a freshman at Abigail Adams High School. I walked to school slowly and not quite ready for this. As I stepped through the doors I felt weird. I wasn't sure how to feel I guess. The worst thing is that I have Mr. Mathews class and I know for a fact that Riley and all of her friends will be in here. I stopped outside his room and adjusted myself. I pulled down my sleeves to cover the now scar covered arms and I fixed my hair. I definitely look like I used to but at the same time completely different.

I took a step into the classroom and as soon as I did everyone noticed me and stared except for Riley who was turned around. Once she noticed everyone looking at the door she looked over and froze. She had tears forming in her eyes and she stood up slowly still looking directly at me.

"M-M-Maya...?" She said, sounding happy but also confused to see me.

"Hi, Riley.." I replied.

I was proud of myself for how confident I sounded.

"Ms. Hart, I wasn't informed that you were coming back." Mr. Mathews said from behind me.

"Sorry sir, it was more of a last minute thing but the office gave me this transfer slip and here is the homework from last week." I said handing him the stack of papers with the pink transfer slip on top.

"Ok. Thank you Ms. Hart. The only seat left is next to Riley so take it or leave it."

"Of course sir. Thank you."

I sat down next to Riley and pulled out a notebook to take notes. I had to do well in school if I wanted people to believe that I'm ok. Mr. Mathews was talking about world war II and I was surprised that I actually found it interesting. I need to make people believe that nothing is different about me.

When the bell finally rang for lunch I gathered my things and walked out to find Lani. Lani is a girl I met while I was gone. We were friends for a while but developed a more romantic relationship over time. We have been dating for a little over a year and a half and we transferred here together. When I couldn't find her I headed to lunch and found an empty table. A few minutes later Riley and her friends sat at the table with me cautiously.

"Hey Maya..." Riley said quietly.

"Hey Riles..." I said.

I saw the slight smile on her face at the sound of her nickname. Before anything could be said we were interrupted.

"Hey baby." I heard from behind me.

I turned around and smiled when I saw Lani.

"Hey babe, I saved you a spot right next to me!" I said happily.

She sat down and leaned towards me and kissed me. Not for too long but long enough to claim me in front of everyone.

"I love when you surprise me with those." I said enthusiastically.

I leaned in and gave her one more quick kiss and a smile before turning back to the shocked faces of the group.

"Oh sorry guys, this is my girlfriend Lani. Lani, these are my old friends, Lucas, Zay, Farkle , and R-Riley." I accidentally stuttered over her name but it meant nothing.

"Oh, so you're Riley, Maya told me a lot of... interesting things about you." Lani said.

"Lani, not right now, that was a different time in my life. It's you and me now, forever. I love you."

"Ok... I love you too baby."

Riley was staring at me and gave me a look that I knew meant she wanted me to go to the bay window after school. I nodded my head yes to her and turned around to leave. A few hours later school was finally over so I started walking towards Riley's house. I climbed up the fire escape and knocked quietly on the bay window. When she let me in I climbed in and sat next to her. I noticed that my sleeve had bunched up and the scars were visible and clearly recent. By the time I pulled down my sleeve she had already noticed.

"P-Peaches..." she said hesitantly.

"Yeah Riles....?"

"Where were you?"

I knew I would have to answer questions but this I wasn't prepared for even though I knew that it was coming.


"You don't have to tell me..."

"No, No, it's ok Riles."

"Ok, well I'm here to listen."

"When everything happened with... u-us, I ran away and I tried to um... I-uh-I tried to kill myself and I was in the hospital for a few days before they put me in a phyciatric hospital. That's where I've been for the last two years."

She had tears in her eyes and I did too but this time I was trying to hide them because I can't go back there again.

"Maya... I had no idea things were so bad. I'm so sorry I couldn't help you"

"There is no way you could have known Riley.... Anyways, that's where I met Lani. We were friends for a while but then we started dating. I told her everything about my past including my feelings for you which is why she was acting weird at lunch, she's a little jealous."



"I think you should know something."

"Ok, what's going on?"

"I'm uh... I'm bisexual."

"I'm happy for you Riley, I'm glad you are figuring yourself out."

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