Chapter 17

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Riley's POV....

        School should have just ended so Maya should be her in about 20 minutes or so, which means I have that much longer to figure out what I need to say to her. I am excited, yet also terrified at the same time. I have no idea what she is going to say, or how she is going to react. I know that she still has some sort of feelings for me, but I don't know whether or not those feelings are enough for her to let go of the hurt that I caused. As I was still thinking my mom walks into my room and pulls me out of my deep thoughts. 

"Hey, Riley, what's got you thinking so hard?" My mom asked as she sits down next to me in the bay window.

"Maya is going to be here soon, I asked her to come over so we could talk."

"What do you need to talk to her about?"

"I need to try one last time to tell her how I really feel, one more time to try and get her back. Whether it is just as my best friend or as more, I don't care, all I know is that Farkle was right, she helps me be who I am, she is the only one who makes me feel safe enough to be exactly who I am, without her, I'm just not me."

"That's not true honey, you don't need someone else to be happy."

"But I haven't been happy mom, I lost hope when she left, for everything, and I never wanted to go out with my other friends. I was always in my room studying, and even though I was always studying, my grades still kept dropping, I was in detention at least once a week. It's like, once Maya left, my brain tried to replace her by becoming a little like her. I thought I was ok, I thought I was just growing up and changing, but that's not what was happening. I was losing myself little by little without her, and it wasn't until she came back that I realized that. I don't know if I can be the same Riley I once was, but I can tell you that no matter what version of me I am, I will always need Maya in my life."

"Wow, you know, I always thought that you were more me than your father, but I think I was wrong about that, you definitely have some of me in you, but you are more Cory."

"Why do you think that?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"When we were kids, there were times when I didn't believe that your father and I were forever, but he always knew, he never once thought that there was anyone else for either of us, just like you. You love her so much that you are willing to risk anything to get her."

        Just as I was about to reply, I heard a frantic knock on my window, I turned towards in expecting to see Maya, but instead I saw Farkle. I opened the window and he sat on the other side of me than my mom.

"What's up Farkle, Maya is going to be here any sec-"

        He cut me off and started talking frantically.

"Something happened to Maya in school Riley." 

"What do you mean? Is she hurt?" I asked scared.

"No, I don't know, not physically I don't think, she was pulled out of class by the guidance counselor, and when I looked out the door window, I saw her completely break down crying and shaking in the middle of the hallway. Last thing I saw was her running out of the school."

        I didn't know how to respond but before I could, I saw Maya crawl through the bay window, it looked like she had re done her makeup, but I could still tell she is hurt, or sad, or even scared about something, even if she was pretending that she is fine. We all looked at her with confusion and sympathy.

"What's up guys?"

Maya's FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now