Chapter 9

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Riley's POV...

"What...." I said in a shaky voice after my mom told me that Maya was awake.

"She woke up this morning. I'm on my way to see her if you want to come."

"No thanks mom, but could you give her something for me please?"

         I ran into my closet and grabbed the box that had been stashed in there all those years. Once I found it, I ran back out and gave my mom the box. She opened the box and saw the ring that Maya used to always wear.

"I had no idea..." she said with tears starting to fill her eyes.

"She gave it back a couple days before she left. I don't know if she will take it back but if she doesn't then I guess I will have all the answers I need."

"Of course, I'll give it to her sweetheart. I will see you soon. Bye Farkle." She gave me a long tight hug before leaving and heading to see Maya.

"I'm proud of you Riley, I am here for you no matter what happens." Farkle said in a proud voice before holding his arms out. I didn't even hesitate before crawling into bed and falling asleep in his arms.

Topanga's POV...

        I left the apartment gripping onto the box with the ring in it. If Maya didn't take this it will break Riley's heart. I pulled up to the hospital and headed to where Katy told me to meet her.

"Katy... I'm so glad she woke up. Can I see her?" I asked gently.

"Of course, Lani is already in there."

"Is there any way I can talk to Maya alone for a minute, Riley asked me to give her this and I'd rather do it while she is alone." I handed Katy the box and she opened it and knew exactly what I meant" She handed the box back to me and started to speak.

"Of course, you can, I'll ask Lani to step out for a minute."

"Thank you, Katy."

        When we got into the room, I looked at Maya but didn't say anything yet. Katy went over to Lani and asked her to step out with her for a moment, so she did, leaving Maya and I alone.

"Hey Mrs. Mathews..." She said in a shy voice.

"Oh, come on Maya, you know that you can call me Topanga" I said in a cheery voice in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's ok Maya. I'm right here and whether you want to be or not, you are still a part of the Mathews family, no matter what happens."

       I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks and I gently wiped them away and gave her a hug. As I was pulling away, I caught a glimpse of her wrist and thought I saw something.

"Hey, Maya, could you roll up your sleeve really quick?" 

She must have known that it wasn't something she could avoid so she rolled up her sleeve and looked away, refusing to make eye contact with me. As soon as I saw the cuts, I knew they were recent.

"Maya... look at me." I said gently.

She slowly turned her head until she was looking at me and I could see tears in her eyes.

"How long have you been doing this?"

"About 3 years, on and off. I'm sorry." She said quietly. She sounded more scared than I had ever seen her.

"Can I let you in on a little secret that not many people know?"

She nodded slowly. I rolled up my sleeves and brought my arm closer to her till she could see my scars.

"They never go away, Maya, I am so sorry you thought this was something you needed to do, and I understand why, I really do, but one day you're going to look at them and regret every last one. Come here."

I pulled her into a tight hug, and we just stayed there for a minute until we pulled away.

"Riley sent me with something to give you."

"Is she here?" She said doing her best not to sound too excited.

"No, she is so happy that you are awake though. Go on, open it." I encouraged.

She opened the box slowly and as soon as she saw what was in it, tears started to roll down her cheeks.

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