Chapter 15

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Riley's POV...

        The rest of the day went by way to slow for my taste, ever since I asked Maya to meet me at the bay window, I haven't been able to focus on anything, or anyone. I could tell May felt the same way. I knew Maya still had feelings for me, and the fact that she broke up with Lani just confirms that theory. I had to try one more time before I give up. First, I have to talk to Farkle, I feel awful for the way I've been stringing him along.

        I could feel my nerves bubbling up in my chest as I walked towards Farkle at his locker. He looked up when I was almost there, I couldn't read his expression. I have always been able to tell exactly what he was feeling, but this time, his face is almost blank. I finally got to him after a few seconds. We both just sat there, but right before I was about to speak, he cut me off.

"It's ok, Riley...." He said sadly.

"You don't even know what I was goi-" Before I could finish, he cut me off again.

"You were going to break up with me." He said matter of factly.

"Just let me explain...." I said sadly.

"You don't have to, you love Maya, and from what I gather, Maya loves you too."

"I do, I'm so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you."

"I know you didn't, just do me a favor?"

"Anything." I said quickly.

"Don't let her go. I can see it in your eyes when she's around, your happier with her. The whole time she was gone, I could tell that something was different about you, I couldn't figure it out until the day Maya walked into your dad's history class for the first time in two years. It was the color of your eyes.... They were duller when she gone, it was a dark brown, almost black, they were locked and untrusting, but when you saw her that first time after 2 years, your eyes returned to the beautiful chestnut eyes that she always brought out, they were wild, and trusting, and it's almost like when she came back, she unlocked that piece of you that you didn't even know was missing until you got it back. Just never let her get away, you two are perfect for each other."

"I promise, Farkle. I'll never let that girl go again." I said with complete confidence.

        With that, Farkle left me alone in the empty hallways. I couldn't bring myself to go to my last class so instead, I walked home and sat in the bay window thinking about what I was going to say to Maya. I knew how I felt about her, but I don't know how to put it into words.

Maya's FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now