Kenny x reader

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Whisper are italics okay!

Readers P.O.V
"Would you go on a date with me (y/n)" "okay" I replied paying no mind since I was studying for a history quiz I have Friday. "Really!" The random voice exclaims. "Yea it won't be the end of the world-uh" I replied back finally looking back up from my flash cards. "Uh- Butters!" I say finally seeing who the voice belongs to. "That so awesome okay I'll meet you Saturday at 4pm okay!" "Y-yea sure bye" still in shock to what I agreed to while watching the blonde
boy run to his friends to tell them my answers.

I feel something dripping on my leg I look to see what it was it was juice I follow the stream to the person sitting next to me "Kenny!! Your juice box it's spilling!" I yell while standing up. Kenny doesn't react. "Hello Kenny helllooooooo anyone home??" His hands grab my shoulders "Butter? Freaking you're going on a date with butters" Kenny says while shaking me. "Yes what's so bad about that" "no nothing it's your life" "can't believe butters I was beat by him" Kenny whispers "what did he beat you in?" "Uh nothing I gotta go" Kenny stands up running towards Kyle and Stan.

Wonder what the was about oh fuck my history test it's tomorrow I'm going to so fail.

Time skipppppp
Saturday the date
"I passed with a B- I'm so happy anything's better than a F I'd be okay with even a D-" I tell butter while walking to the restaurant. "Good for you (y/n)" Butters replied back smiling at me. "Oh we're here"
"Dinner the diner...Interesting" I say looking the at

the diners name. We walk in take our seats. "Hello I'll be your waiter what would you like" "hi can we start wit- Kenny oh wow I didn't know you worked here" "oh hi (y/n)! and b-butters" he said butters name with such hate. "Hey be nice to butters he here's as my date" I explain to Kenny. "I know...what do you want (y/n)" Kenny says with a smile well I'm sure he's smiling it's hard to tell since he wears a mask since he no longer wears his parka. "Oh yea can I have a (favorite drink) and (favorite food)" "okay I'll go give it to the cook I'll be back in a few to give you your drink"

Kenny was about to leave I grab his shirt "yes what is it" he says looking back at me while smiling "oh you forgot about butters order" "oh yea my mistake sorry butters" he looks at butters his smile turning into a frown. "Oh can I have pink lemonade and a burger." Butter says smiling while reaching to hold my hand. This causes Kenny to change his focus to our hand his stare look like he wanted to cut off butters hand "sure be back soon"

Kenny walks away. "B-butters why did you grab my hand." "Sorry (y/n) I normally would ask for consent to grab your hand but I wanted to prove a point" "what point" "the point that you were interested in me not Kenny" "I'm not interested in either of you" "your not" both Kenny and butter say. "Yea I didn't know you saw me that way butters I thought the date was more of a friend date I'm sorry for leading you on I would've normal asked before leading you on but my mindset was more focused on the test I'm awfully sorry" "oh I feel silly now we'll thanks for clearing up the air (y/n) before I was in too deep it's fine shall we continue this friend date" "we shall" "oh here's your drinks and food have a nice friend date"

Kenny says before leaving. While eating i asked butters why he thought Kenny was into me. "Man you need to focus on the real worlds besides studying tons of reason I'll tell you all a few" "1. when you're studying he takes care of you brings you water feeds you fruit because he knows you forget to eat, 2. Helps you study your flash cards and pretends he needs help in subjects he good at so you can help him study that one was hard to notice I only noticed because he did good on a test even when he didn't ask you for help because he knew you were busy and 3. The biggest and obvious reason you didn't see how he reacted when I asked you out or when I held your hand!" After pointed out this obvious reason I felt kinda stupid. "I guess I'm only book smart" "here's your check butters I already paid for (y/n) part of the bill so don't worry about it" Kenny says while handing the check to butters.

"Oh thanks gotta go (y/n) good luck I'm rooting for you" butters says while getting up and leaves. "Oh bye butters and thank you" " what was that about" Kenny says while sitting down and eating what was leftover on my plate. "Oh uh I don't know how to explain" I say feeling my ears get hot "pfft" I look up to see Kenny laughing "what are you laughing about" "haha sorry it's just I never seen you blush so hard before even your ears are blushing" I go and cover my ears. "When do you get off" " right now" "what why" "oh I don't work here I wanted to spy on your date which supposedly turned into a friend date" "what how why what" "come on let's go"

Kenny gets up and grabs my hands "you know this feels right when I was holding butters hand it felt off I didn't know why but I now know why because my hand belongs with yours Kenny and no one else." I kiss his hand "pfft now it's your turn to blush" I say while laughing at Kenny very bright red face "s-shut up leave me alone" Kenny says trying to hide his face with one hand. "Kenny can you bend down to my leave please" Kenny bends down I pull down his mask and give him a kiss after the kiss was down my face felt very hot while fanning it I look up to Kenny and see him doing the same we make eye contact and laugh at each other. "

Oh I have another secret come down again I whisper in his ear" I cup his ear and whisper "I'm wearing red underwear today" I start to laugh and run away "wait (y/n) come back we can go home come on" Kenny says while chasing me

Woooooo I'm back yay I came back since my book gain some attention anyways how was my come back chapter I don't like it compared to my old work it sucks but I had fun I didn't know who to choose so I chose butters sorry if you like him I'll write a story for him as a apology. Okay byyyeyeyhehe (btw sorry about the god awful outfit I chose for the early chapter I apologize sorrrrry I had no taste when I was younger)
(1214 words)

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